Using Boards in Rose Rocket

Learn about customizing your displayed information on the Rose Rocket user interface.


Boards are for displaying a collection of records for a specific object. Each object in Rose Rocket has its own board for customization, such as quotes, customers, and orders. Boards function across these objects throughout the platform for you to view and visualize any list of collected records for objects.

Transactional objects for goods moving throughout the process can be viewed on a single Board, for example with the order, quote, and manifest connected objects. You can view the corresponding objects within the pop up data panel while on the Board view for the other objects.


To get started with Boards in Rose Rocket, have the prerequisites below confirmed.

  • Rose Rocket account
  • For API requests, an authenticated and authorized application

Using Boards

Both the user interface and the API requests have unique approaches for using boards. Create customized Boards as child boards for a root object using either of these methods.

User interface

When navigating to an object landing page, the default view is the Default Board for that object. The table displays all relevant information about the collection of records for that object. Scroll across the columns and rows to view the entire list.

API requests

Use the endpoint below to begin making requests to the Rose Rocket API. This is the base URL for all actions when managing Boards with the API. With the corresponding boardID value, modify the method in the request to create, read, update, or delete Boards.

Managing Boards in the user interface

Rose Rocket’s user interface provides robust functionality for managing Boards. Outside of the default Board view, you can create unique boards for customizing your record display.

Creating new Boards

All objects have only the default Board for display. You can add new Boards by duplicating the default Board and then renaming it. New Boards are located under the object’s drop down selection on the left hand menu.

Use views to customize the information displayed for your Board. On an object’s Board display, select the Add new view button to create a new view. Follow the steps below to customize the display according to your preferences.

  1. Name the board and add a description. Select Save.
  2. Select the Customize columns button at the top of the table.
  3. Link, pin, or remove a category from the Selected columns section. Select a column in the Available column section to add to your object’s board view.
  4. Select Apply to continue.

Filtering and searching

On your saved board, you can also filter and search your records for additional customization. View the steps below to create filters for your views.

  1. Select the Filters button.
  2. Select Add Filter and choose a drop down filter to add. You can also search for filters in the search box.
  3. Configure the filter logic using the drop down and input fields.
  4. Repeat for additional filter options.
  5. Select Apply to continue and view the results.
  6. After adding the filters, select the Save to view button. This adds the filters to the current board view or to a new board view.

Viewing Boards

When your object has multiple Boards, they are displayed as a dropdown for the object on the left hand menu. Use the buttons at the top of the page to manage and share your custom Boards.

Sharing a Board

Your Board views can be viewed by outside parties using the Share function. Confirm your column and filter views and use the options below to send the display view.

  • Invite People - Allows other groups to access the view
  • Link - Creates a public link to view the Board
  • Additional functions
    • Export board to CSV - Downloads a CSV file of the current Board view
    • Duplicate board - Creates a copy of the Board

Deleting boards

You can delete boards from your object views on the landing page for the object. Follow the steps below to delete a view board.

  1. Select the board above the table view.
  2. Select Delete view from the dropdown options.
  3. Confirm your choice and select Delete to remove the view from your object views.

NOTE: Default Boards cannot be removed.

Searching Boards with the Rose Rocket API

With an authorized and authenticated application, you can make API requests to Rose Rocket to manage your board views as well.

Retrieving Boards with the API for search

Make POST requests to the endpoint to view specific boards with the specific boardId value.

Use raw JSON within the request body to configure your request. The filters object array contains one or more filterKey object arrays. The filterKey object array configures the search filtering for your board.

Configuring filter combinations

The filters object array can include any and all of the options for filtering your Boards search. The basic structure for the object array is below in an example for specialInstructions as a filter.

  "fieldType": "TextField",
  "filterKey": "specialInstructions",
  "operator": "contains",
  "path": "specialInstructions",
  "value": "handcart"

Add filter objects to further refine the search. Use the order object reference information below in the table for the available filter keys configurations for the array.

Filter descriptionfilterKey, pathoperatorfieldType, value
Timeframe requested for pickuprequestedPickupWindow, requestedPickupWindowequals, notEqualsDateTimeField, {"startAt": "DateTimeString", "endAt": "DateTimeString", "isUtcFilter": "boolean", "rangeType: [“any”, “today”, “tomorrow”, “yesterday”, “last7Days”, “last30Days”, “last60Days”, “last90Days”, “next7Days”, “next30Days”, “next60Days”, “next90Days”, “dateRange”, “singularDate”]}
Timeframe requested for deliveryrequestedDeliveryWindow, requestedDeliveryWindowequals, notEqualsDateTimeField, {"startAt": "DateTimeString", "endAt": "DateTimeString", "isUtcFilter": "boolean", "rangeType: [“any”, “today”, “tomorrow”, “yesterday”, “last7Days”, “last30Days”, “last60Days”, “last90Days”, “next7Days”, “next30Days”, “next60Days”, “next90Days”, “dateRange”, “singularDate”]}
Order ID informationfullId, fullIdcontains, equals, notEquals, startsWith, endsWithFullIDField, "string"
Status informationstatus, statusin, notInStatusField, string, enumerated [`"booked", "in transit", "delivered", "rejected", "invoiced", "tendered", "archived", "new"`]
Customer informationcustomer, customerin, notInConnectionField, ["uuid"]
Address of first pickup locationshipper_formattedAddress", shipperequals, notEqualsAddressField, Address object values
Address of last delivery locationconsignee_formattedAddress, consigneeequals, notEqualsAddressField, Address object values
Special instructionsspecialInstructions, specialInstructionscontains, equals, notEquals, startsWith, endsWithTextField, "string"
Quote informationtotalEarnings, totalEarningsequals, notEqualsMoneyField, {max: "number", min: "number"}
Cost informationtotalCost, totalCostequals, notEqualsMoneyField, {max: "number", min: "number"}
Total milestotalMiles, totalMilesequals, notEqualsNumberField, {max: "number", min: "number"}
Tag informationplatformTags, tagsin, notInConnectionField, ["uuid"]
Accessorial informationaccessorials, classicAccessorialsin, notInConnectionField, ["uuid"]
Purchase order numberpoNum, poNumcontains, equals, notEquals, startsWith, endsWithTextField, "string"
Reference numberrefNum, refNumcontains, equals, notEquals, startsWith, endsWithTextField, "string"
Load tender numberloadTenderNum, loadTenderNumcontains, equals, notEquals, startsWith, endsWithTextField, "string"
Margin informationmargin, marginequals, notEqualsMoneyField, {max: "number", min: "number"}
Customer service representatives informationcsrs, csrsin, notInConnectionField, ["uuid"]
Account managers informationaccountManagers, accountManagersin, notInConnectionField, ["uuid"]
Partner informationpartner, partnerin, notInConnectionField, ["uuid"]
Asset type informationassetType, assetTypein, notInConnectionField, ["uuid"]

Sample request

This sample cURL request includes a filter for searching a customer name.

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: ••••••' \
--data '{"boardId":"af1c0e83-5253-517d-aeff-e25a37f59beb","filters":[{"filterKey":"name","path":"name","operator":"startsWith","value":"xyz","fieldType":"TextField"}],"connectedField":null,"filtersOperator":"and","orderByColumnKey":null,"orderByDirection":"asc","searchTerm":"","offset":0,"limit":50,"timezone":"America/Toronto"}'

The above example uses the filter object array with the following configuration for its filterKey values. This is equivalent to the user interface adding a filter to the board for Name starts with xyz.

  • filterKey is name
  • path is name
  • operator is startsWith
  • value is xyz
  • fieldType is TextField

NOTE: Using the API to manage your Boards requires strict matching for field type details when managing filters.

Sample response

The payload response contains the filtered objects from the search.

    "total": 3,
    "results": [
            "id": "e54225d7-3bc9-4803-992a-af107b0db8df",
            "objectKey": "customer",
            "orgId": "2c39fa07-b82c-493f-8ec8-996cd0618612",
            "source": "manual",
            "widgets": [
                    "key": "platformCustomer-AddCompanyDetails",
                    "name": "CreateCustomer",
                    "version": 0
                    "key": "customer-ETADelayNotifications",
                    "name": "ETADelayNotifications",
                    "version": 0
                    "key": "platformCustomer-EditCommissionedUsers",
                    "name": "EditCommissionedUsers",
                    "version": 0
            "widgetToOpen": {
                "key": "platformCustomer-AddCompanyDetails",
                "name": "CreateCustomer",
                "version": 0
            "fullId": "CUST-9",
            "name": "XYZ Freight Corp",
            "locations": [],
            "commissionedUsers": [],
            "tariffs": []
            "id": "0b99b18a-1d29-4a2c-88f3-9eb551bad927",
            "objectKey": "customer",
            "orgId": "2c39fa07-b82c-493f-8ec8-996cd0618612",
            "source": "manual",
            "widgets": [
                    "key": "platformCustomer-AddCompanyDetails",
                    "name": "CreateCustomer",
                    "version": 0
                    "key": "customer-ETADelayNotifications",
                    "name": "ETADelayNotifications",
                    "version": 0
                    "key": "platformCustomer-EditCommissionedUsers",
                    "name": "EditCommissionedUsers",
                    "version": 0
            "widgetToOpen": {
                "key": "platformCustomer-AddCompanyDetails",
                "name": "CreateCustomer",
                "version": 0
            "fullId": "CUST-7",
            "name": "XYZ Freight Corp",
            "locations": [],
            "commissionedUsers": [],
            "tariffs": []
            "id": "c4d831bf-c645-49be-a1a8-a05dc23a0be3",
            "objectKey": "customer",
            "orgId": "2c39fa07-b82c-493f-8ec8-996cd0618612",
            "source": "manual",
            "widgets": [
                    "key": "platformCustomer-AddCompanyDetails",
                    "name": "CreateCustomer",
                    "$closed": true,
                    "version": 0
                    "key": "customer-ETADelayNotifications",
                    "name": "ETADelayNotifications",
                    "version": 0
                    "key": "platformCustomer-EditCommissionedUsers",
                    "name": "EditCommissionedUsers",
                    "version": 0
            "widgetToOpen": {
                "key": "customer-ETADelayNotifications",
                "name": "ETADelayNotifications",
                "version": 0
            "fullId": "CUST-5",
            "name": "XYZ Freight Corp",
            "headOfficeFormattedAddress": "1231 116th Avenue Northeast\nBellevue\nWA, 98004, US",
            "locations": [
                    "id": "8a188275-501e-4d18-88fa-916c924ee25a",
                    "objectKey": "location",
                    "orgId": "2c39fa07-b82c-493f-8ec8-996cd0618612",
                    "source": "manual",
                    "address": {
                        "id": "22f20be8-058c-4a01-9386-f7b2b973f0ee",
                        "objectKey": "address",
                        "orgId": "2c39fa07-b82c-493f-8ec8-996cd0618612",
                        "source": "manual",
                        "widgets": [],
                        "name": "1231 116th Avenue Northeast\nBellevue\nWA, 98004, US"
                    "fullId": "LOC-3"
            "commissionedUsers": [],
            "tariffs": []

Next steps

After managing your Board views to have a visual of your collection of records for an object, you can view the guides below for more.

  • Update an object record
  • Set up a user interface for you application