
Invoices are a form of record keeping for the exchange of services for payment. Use invoices to copy any financial line items from other objects. Invoices have an export function for sharing with accounting systems.

When working from quotes to cash, invoices are the end step in the process. Rose Rocket copies order line items to invoices. The line items widget shows the review panel in the workflow for any additions before sending.


Invoices only have copies of the financial line items from the previous quotes to cash on the order at that time. If an order changes any line items, a new invoice must be made to include those line items only after the previous invoice has been deleted.

API configuration

When using the API to make requests, see the pages below for the process. These guides walk through the requirements and setup to access the Rose Rocket API with your application.

Object structure

Use the table below for information about the invoice objects.

invoiceInvoicestringRecording document of services performed for customer and amounts charged
idIDstringInvoice global unique identifier
fullIdFull IDstringHuman-readable identifier for financial statement
For example, INVOICE-{1}
statusStatusstring, enumeratedInvoice status, cannot be null, valid values:created, sent, partiallyPaid, paid NOTE: Defaults to created`
notesNotesstringInvoice notes
customerCustomerCustomer connected object
*See Connected object section
Invoice for customer
invoiceDateInvoice datedateCreated date for invoice
remitToAddressRemit To AddressAddress connected object
*See Connected object section
Address for payable recipient party of invoice
termsTermsstring, enumeratedDue date payment terms to set payment Term Options type selection, valid values: pia, net0, net7, net10, net15, net30, net45, net60, net90, eom
dueDateDue datedateDue date for invoice
sentAtSentdateDate invoice sent to customer
lineItemsLine itemsFinancialLineItem connected object array
*See Connected object section
Various types of charges for an order
For example, accessorials, fuel surcharges, etc.
documentsDocumentsDocument connected object
*See Connected object section
Documents associated with invoice
subTotalSubtotal*floatTotal of financial line items connected to invoice without tax
NOTE: This field is derived from the lineItems attribute.
*See Read-only fields.
taxTotalTaxes*floatTaxed total of all line items on invoice
NOTE: This field is derived from the lineItems attribute.
*See Read-only fields.
totalTotal*floatComplete total of all line items on invoice
NOTE: This field is derived from the lineItems attribute.
*See Read-only fields.