
Manage key partner and carrier information for your processes.

Partners, also known as carriers, are third parties responsible for pickup and delivery of goods. In Rose Rocket, you can manage and organize partner information to help streamline your business operations.

The partner object contains all of the information from within the user interface on the Rose Rocket platform. Add and modify basic details as well as include identifiers populated from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) database integrated within the platform.

In Rose Rocket, the partner object also has functionality for documents, contacts, and compliance information. These are also connected objects and aren’t shared across other modules. View the list below for examples of these.

  • Documents - contracts
  • Contacts - dispatchers, customer service representatives (CSRs)
  • Compliance - includes encompass insurance, license details with expiration dates

API configuration

When using the API to make requests, see the pages below for the process. These guides walk through the requirements and setup to access the Rose Rocket API with your application.

Object structure

Use the table below for information about the partner objects.

nameNamestringPartner name
fullIdFull IDstringHuman-readable identifier for partner
logoUrlLogo URLstringOptional logo URL for partner
contactsContactsContact connected object array
*See Connected object section
People in partners organization
addressAddressAddress connected object
*See Connected object section
Partner address
defaultCurrencyDefault currencystringPartner default currency
compliancesCompliancesCompliance connected object array
*See Connected objectt section
Government-issued compliance identifiers, MCDID and DOT
statusStatusstring, enumeratedPartner active status
shortCodeShort codestringPartner short code
remitToAddressRemittance addressAddress connected object
*See Connected object section
Address to send remittance
lanesLanesLane connected object array
*See Connected object section
Combination of origin and destination zones where partners can operate
assetTypesAsset typesAssetType connected object array
*See Connected object section
Partner asset types
serviceTypesService typesPartnerService connected object array
*See Connected objectt section
Partner-supported service types
officeLocationOffice locationstringPartner's office location
NOTE: This field is derived from the remitToAddress.city, and remitToAddress.state attributes.
*See Read-only fields.
primaryContactEmailPrimary contact emailstringPartner primary email
NOTE: This field is derived from the firstContact, and email attributes in the contacts array.
*See Read-only fields.
primaryContactPhonePrimary contact phone numberstringPartner primary phone number
NOTE: This field is derived from the firstContact, and phoneNumber attributes in the contacts array.
*See Read-only fields.
dotIdDepartment of Transportation IDstringDepartment of Transportation ID for partner
mcIdMC ID (Motor Carrier Number)stringUnique identifier assigned by Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
mapMarkersMap markersstringPartner address map markers using latitude and longitude
NOTE: This field is derived from the id, name, address.latitude, address.longitude, and address.formattedAddress attributes. *See Read-only fields.
companyEmailCompany emailstringPartner company email
companyPhoneCompany phone numberstringPartner company phone number
provincialAuthorityNumProvincial authority numberstringPartner company Authority Number
documentsDocumentsDocument connected object array
*See Connected object section
Partner-associated documents