
A manifest is a contract that formalizes the terms and costs of transportation services, including specific requirements, responsibilities, and compensation arrangements for the movement of goods. It typically involves agreements between brokers and carriers, or between carriers and independent driver/owner operators within the logistics chain on the Rose Rocket platform.

API configuration

When using the API to make requests, see the pages below for the process. These guides walk through the requirements and setup to access the Rose Rocket API with your application.

Object structure

Use the table below for information about the contact objects.

idIDStringUnique identifier of the manifest record.Auto-generated and assigned by the system
fullIDIDStringIdentifier for the manifest record.Auto-generated and assigned by the system
nameNameStringName of this manifest.Typically this is auto-generated by the system but can be updated manually. A manifest associated to just one order would get the name “M-O-19” where O-19 is the fullId of the order.
statusStatusEnumThe status associated with the manifest. Cannot be null.Defaulted to new
Enum Options:
new planned dispatched inTransit completed problem
taskTaskTask/[]Specifies the tasks associated with the manifest. A manifest includes multiple tasks, which may involve various types of work to be executed.Associated with the Tasks array.
documentsDocumentsDocument\[]Specifies the documents associated with the manifest.Associated with the Documents array.
billBillBillSpecifies the bill associated with the manifest.Associated with the Bill object.
buy quotesBuy QuoteQuote\ []Specifies the list of all partner quotes associated with the manifest.Associated with the Quote array.
costCostFinancialLineItem\[]Specifies the list of all financial line items associated with the manifest.Associated with the FinancialLineItem array.
dispatchedAtDispatched AtDateTimeValueSpecifies the time and date when the manifest status was changed to dispatched.Uses local time
completedAtCompleted AtStringSpecifies the time and date when the manifest status was changed to completed.Uses system time (UTC)
partnerPartnerPartnerThis is a broker-specific field. Indicates the partner carrier assigned to the manifest.Associated with the partner Object.
driverDriverUser\[]Specifies the list of all drivers assigned to the manifest.Associated with the User array.
dispatcherDispatcherUserOversees manifests and coordinates assigned drivers for delivery completion.Associated with the User object.
totalmilesTotal MilesNumberSum of distances between stops for a manifest.n/a
estimatedDurationEstimated DurationNumberTotal projected time for driving and completing tasks at all stops on the manifest.n/a
currentLocationCurrent locationAddressAddress where the manifest is presently located.Associated with the Address object
lastSeenTimeLast Known Location TimestampDateTimeValueTimestamp indicating the last time the manifest's current location was updated in the systemNot a range of dates (isRange: False)
tagsTagsTag\[]Tags that are associated with the manifest.Associated with the Tags array.
specialInstructionsSpecial instructionsStringSpecial instructions for the manifest.n/a
stopsStopsStop\[]Lists all distinct stops associated with this manifest.Derived field from: 'manifest.tasks.stops' and 'manifest.tasks.subTasks.stops'
Each stop represents a location for task execution
activeRateConfirmationActive Rate ConfirmationRateConfirmationSpecifies the active rate confirmation for the manifest.Derived from
lastKnownLocationLast known LocationAddressThe last recorded location based on the most recently updated task.Derived field from: manifest.currentLocation
originsOriginsStop\[]Lists all stops labeled as "origin" that are connected to the manifest.Derived field from: manifest.tasks.stops
destinationsDestinationsStop\[]Lists all stops labeled as "destination" that are connected to the manifest.Derived field from:
pickupsPickupsTask\[]Lists all tasks labeled as "pickup" that are connected to stops on the manifest.Derived field
firstOriginStopFirst Origin StopStopSpecifies the first origin stop on the manifest.Derived field
deliveriesDeliveriesTask\[]Lists all delivery tasks that are connected to stops on the manifestDerived field
lastDestinationStopLast Destination StopStopSpecifies the last stop of destination on this manifestDerived field from: manifest.tasks.stops manifest.tasks.subTasks.stops
pickupWindowsPickup WindowsDateTimeValue\[]Timeframes within which pickup tasks should be completed.Derived field from: manifest.pickups
startAtStart AtDateTimeValueSpecifies the earliest time when pickups are scheduled to start, based on the first task.Derived field from: manifest.pickupWindows
deliveryWindowsDelivery WindowsDateTimeValue\[]Timeframes within which delivery tasks should be completed.Derived field from:
firstPickupTaskFirst Pickup TaskTaskSpecifies the first pickup task at the first origin stop.Derived field from: manifest.tasks.stops manifest.tasks.subTasks.stops
lastDeliveryTaskLast Delivery TaskTaskSpecifies the last delivery task at the last destination stop.Derived field from: manifest.tasks.stops manifest.tasks.subTasks.stops
orders OrdersOrder\[]Lists the orders related to the manifest.Derived field from: manifest.tasks.order manifest.tasks.subTasks.order manifest.parentTasks.order
commoditiesCommoditiesCommodity\[]Lists all commodities that are connected to tasks on the manifest.Derived field from: manifest.tasks.commodities manifest.tasks.subTasks.commodities
totalCommoditiesQuantity Total Commodities QuantityStringDisplays the total quantity of all commodities on the manifest as a formatted string.Derived field from: manifest.tasks.commodities manifest.tasks.subTasks.commodities
manifestStartDateManifest Start DateDateTimeValueSpecifies the earliest requested start time from the tasks associated with the manifest.Derived field from: manifest.tasks.subTasks manifest.tasks.parentTasks
manifestEndDateManifest End DateDateTimeValueSpecifies the latest requested end time from the tasks associated with the manifest.Derived field from: manifest.tasks.subTasks manifest.tasks.parentTasks
firstStopTypeFirst Stop TypeStringSpecifies the type of the first stop on the manifest, such as pickup, delivery, and so on.Derived field from: manifest.tasks.stops manifest.tasks.subTasks.stops
firstStopLocationFirst Stop locationStringSpecifies the first stop location on the manifest.Derived field from: manifest.tasks.stops.location
lastStopTypeLast Stop TypeStringSpecifies the type of the last stop on the manifest.Derived field from: manifest.tasks.stops manifest.tasks.subTasks.stops
lastStopLocationLast Stop LocationStringSpecifies the location of the stop on the manifest.Derived field from:
totalRevenueTotal RevenueMoneySpecifies the total earnings calculated on the manifest.Derived field from:
totalCostTotal CostMoneySpecifies the total cost of all line items on the manifest.Derived field from:
driverPayTotalCostDriver Pay Total CostMoneySpecifies the total costs of driver payments on the manifest.Derived field from:
driverPayTotalCostPerOrderDriver pay Total Cost Per OrderMoneySpecifies the total driver pay costs allocated across the orders associated with the manifest.Derived field from:
marginMarginMoneySpecifies the margin calculated as total revenue minus total costs for this manifest.Derived field from:
assetsAssetsAsset\[]Lists all assets that are assigned to tasks on the manifest.Derived field from:
mapMarkersMap MarkersMapViewMarker\[]Map location pins for assets on the order, which are displayed in the object map views.Derived field from:
driverPayLineItemsDriver Pay Line ItemsFinancialLineItem\[]Lists all drivers pay financial line items on the current manifest.Derived field from:
totalStopsTotal StopsNumberSpecifies the total number of stops included in the manifest.Derived field from:
accessorialsLabelAccessorialsStringSpecifies the list of additional service charges associated with the order on the manifest.Retrieves classic accessorials from the order on the manifest.
Derived field from: manifest.orders.accessorials
firstPickupFirst PickupStringSpecifies the location of the first pickup task on the manifest.Derived field from: manifest.tasks.stops.location
firstPickupTaskTimeFirst Pickup Task TimeDateTimeValueSpecifies the requested pickup time of the first pickup task at the first origin stop.Derived field from: manifest.firstPickupTask
firstPickupTaskActualTimeFirst Pickup Task Actual TimeDateTimeValueSpecifies the actual pickup time of the first pickup task at the first origin stop.Derived field from: manifest.firstPickupTask
lastDeliveryTaskLast Delivery TaskStringSpecifies the location of the last delivery task on the manifest.Derived field from: manifest.tasks.stops.location
lastDeliveryTaskTimeLast Delivery Task TimeDateTimeValueSpecifies the requested delivery time of the last delivery task.Derived field from:
lastDeliveryTaskActualTimeLast Delivery Task Actual TimeDateTimeValueSpecifies the actual delivery time of the last delivery task.Derived field from:
commodityNamesCommodity NamesStringA comma-separated list of all commodities associated with tasks on the manifest.Derived field from: manifest.tasks.commodities manifest.tasks.subTasks.commodities
customerNamesCustomer NamesStringA comma-separated list of customer names from all orders associated with the manifest.Derived field from: manifest.tasks.order.customer manifest.tasks.subTasks.order.customer manifest.tasks.parentTasks.order.customer
poNumbersLabelPo Numbers LabelStringA comma-separated list of purchase order numbers from all associated orders.Derived field from:
refNumbersLabelReference Numbers LabelStringA comma-separated list of reference numbers from all associated orders.Derived field from:
loadTenderNumbersLabelLoad Tender Number LabelStringA comma-separated list of load tender numbers from all associated orders.Derived field from:
weightLbsWeight LbsNumberSpecifies the weight of all the commodities on this manifest.Derived field from:
serviceTypesLabelService Types LabelStringA comma-separated list of service types from all associated orders.Derived field from:
assetTypesLabelAsset Types LabelStringA comma-separated list of asset types from all associated orders.Derived field from:
taskSpecialInstructionsLabelsTask Special InstructionsStringA comma-separated list of special instructions from tasks associated with this manifest.Derived field from:
estimatedCustomerQuoteEstimated Customer QuoteMoneyThe estimated cost quoted to the customer for the first order associated with this manifest.Derived field from: