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JWT Access Token from Oauth 2.0 authentication

Hi Team,
We're running into an issue with API authorization following the guide/API reference. We're able to complete the Oauth 2.0 authorization flow in postman up to step 5, however then using the access token that is returned doesn't work.

How to retrieve Customers from a particular point of datetime, using Rose Rocket API?

I want to retrieve Customers from Rose Rocket system using Rose Rocket API.

Getting the data from another Rose Rocket environment, instead of which I am targeting.

I am getting the data from another Rose Rocket environment, instead of which I am targeting.


Accessing the CSR name assigned to an order

I am looking to identify the CSR assigned to an order. The API does not return this attribute.

Invoices: Sales Invoice is not having invoice lines information on the API Response. How we can get the Sales Invoice lines (Invoice Lines)?


Bills: Vendor Purchase Invoice is not having invoice lines information on the API Response. How we can get the Purchase Invoice lines (Bill Lines)?


Customer Board API is not providing the next records. Always returning the same set of entries in the API Response

I am trying to get the customers from Rose Rocket using Customer board api.

How to get additional customer addresses using Customer board?

Additional Details:

Customer address is displaying in a single field called 'headOfficeFormattedAddress'. This value is having \n and comma( , ). It is better to have comma(,) seperated instead of both \n and comma(,)

Additional Details:


Want to add Total Revenue in order (V1)

From Salesforce want to send Total Revenue to Rose Rocket Order using API, but in order object there is not an option for that and as well as in manifest also.