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API Push vs Pull

Looking to set up an API connection to send orders from our customers TMS to our TMS, and subsequent status updates from our TMS back to theirs. We have a few questions: 1. Is rose rocket able to push updates, or would our customer need to pull the data from Rose Rocket based on webhooks or event triggers? 2. Is it possible to share the 'customs broker' field. We have a value we would like to put in there.

P44 API connection not generating rate/dispatch for specific carrier

Morning, We are no longer receiving ratings for carrier A Duie Pyle through our API connection with P44. I have confirmed that all passwords and logins are correct, and tested multiple shipments in their area of operations (that generate results through P44 VOC, but are not being pushed into RR). Can this please be investigated? Thanks, B.

Unable to access API via cURL

Hello, We're unable to access the RoseRocket API via either cURL or the API readme (<https://roserocket.readme.io/reference/find-orders>). We keep getting errors of the form ``` { "error_code": "4-1", "error_message": "key is of invalid type" } ``` when we try and get our OAuth 2.0 tokens from the method recommended [here](https://roserocket.readme.io/docs/testing-the-api-from-readme). Is there anything that can be done to resolve this? <br> Thank you!

Authentication Problem - Error 405 Method Not Found

I am trying to get my authentication set up in Rose Rocket and I am following this documentation: <https://roserocket.readme.io/docs/getting-started> I was able to download the Rose Rocket API collection and environment into postman, and I filled in the Body of the request with the correct information (username, password, client_id, and client_secret); however, I am getting a "405 Method Not Allowed Error" when sending. Any idea of the problem here?

Where is POSTMAN found in RR?

The instructions read: In Postman. I am unable to find Postman in RR. Please advise. Thank you,

Error 504 on login

I'm getting a 504 Gateway Time-out error when trying to login. Are you aware of any issues? Anyone else experiencing this?

Webhooks Request received has orderID of all 0's

<br> Hi Good Day. I had a technical question regarding your web hook functionality.  We had this setup previously and removed it, but now we have entered a url endpoint to call when the "order.delivered" event is fired. We noticed that the orderId is always 0's. The request that we are being sent looks like this: {"event":"order.delivered","order_id":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","timestamp":"2024-04-17T15:29:10.043374+00:00"} Has the webhook request changed?

Multiple identical Manifest Dispatched triggers

About a month ago I was guided into using Manifest Dispatched over Order Dispatched webhooks to ensure a driver is assigned - [Link here](https://roserocket.readme.io/discuss/65f875485cef16006da35a64) After migrating our code, now we are seeing multiple identical Manifest Dispatched event being called, even though there was no change in the manifest nor the driver has change. How can I be sure which of the webhooks actually was a driver dispatch? How do I prevent my code for running multiple times for the same data? Internal Manifest ID for dev investigation: `19be9f21-112e-4442-af51-5f34e8a1f773`

Using refresh token to refresh existing access token

Hello, How can I use the refresh token returned from an auth request, to refresh the existing auth token before expiry? I recall seeing documentation about this in the previous API docs, but can't seem to find anything here except for docs on the initial auth request. Thanks!

Replacing EDI with API?

Looking into what it would take to replace an EDI connection with APIs. I have a pretty solid understanding of the Rose Rocket API at this point, and from what I tell, our vendor's also look pretty straight forward as well. I'm just not sure what connects the two together. Currently if we want to accept an EDI tender, we hit submit and it sends the correct EDI documents out to our vendors system? How do I trigger that with the API? Webhooks? On the other end of it, how does our vendor's order API trigger new orders to be built like EDI currently does?