Rose Rocket API not creating orders
When sending in a request via the API, the API receives the load tender data successfully, however, the order is not showing up in the Rose Rocket UT. This is happening on two Rose Rocket API endpoints which are:
OAuth Token Invaildation
Webhook issues
Hi, we have subscribed to web hooks (dispatched and delivered) and been recording them trying to match events in RR. But we are seeing some strange issues:
Quick Quote Creation
Hi team,
I am looking for the guide on how to create a new quick quote in RR via API, I see the create booked order option but I do not see one for creating quick quotes, does it exist?
How to get vendor address on separate fields insted of having on a single field?
How to get customer information from a specific DateTime?
I want to retrieve customers/Vendors/SalesInvoices/Bills from a particular datetime.
Authentication Flow
Hi team,
Upper bounds for rate-limiting API calls
There is a similar question from over a year ago RE: rate limits for the RoseRocket API.
List records with connected objects?
In the v2 platform API, is there a way to retrieve multiple records with specific connected objects' fields populated through a single API call?
Retrieve records filtered by `updatedAt`
In the v2 platform API, is there a way to retrieve a list of records last updated in a date/time range, or more simply, updated after a given date/time?