
The Stop object represents a critical point in a logistics route where specific tasks are executed to facilitate the delivery and service process. These tasks can vary widely, including those related to contracts such as orders or manifests, as well as other operational activities ensuring efficiency in logistics operations.


Below is a detailed list of the fields associated with a Stop, outlining the structure and key data points necessary for stop management within Rose Rocket. These fields capture essential information such as the stop's location, information about the tasks, special instructions, and sequence within the journey.

Note: The tables below provide an overview of the fields used for reading and writing data through the API endpoints. To ensure clarity and based on our object model, the fields are organized into four separate tables.

Read Fields

  • Returned in GET requests- Default Response
  • Extra Includes & Nested Objects

Write Fields

  • Object-specific body in POST and PUT requests
  • Optional Nested Object (Related Objects)

These tables offer a detailed perspective on the available fields for API interactions, categorized based on their usage in data retrieval and modification operations.

Read Fields

Returned in GET requests- Default Response

idStop IDStringUnique identifier for the Stop.system generated
fullIdFull IDStringAn auto-generated identifier for the stop record.
descriptionDescriptionStringA brief summary providing additional details about the stop.
specialInstructionsSpecial InstructionsStringInstructions specific to the stop that the driver needs to be aware of.
gateGateStringIdentifies a gate number or name at the stop, if applicable, such as at terminals or borders.Some stops, especially large terminals or natural resource yards may have gates to organize truck entry.
ordinalOrdinalNumberAssigns a sequence number to each stop, determining its order within an order.Automatically generated by System
manifestOrdinalManifest OrdinalNumberAssigns a sequence number to each stop, determining its order within a manifest.Automatically generated by System
nextDistanceNext DistanceNumberIndicates a calculated distance from the current stop to the next one in the sequence.Automatically updated by System
nextDurationNext DurationNumberIndicates a calculated travel time from the current stop to the next one in the sequence.Automatically updated by System
statusStatusEnumStatus of the stop.pending
stopTypeStop TypeEnumCategorizes the stop by its primary activity, such as pickup, delivery, or other specific tasks.MultiSelect
nextDurationFormattedNext Duration FormattedStringHuman-readable format that represents the duration to the next stop.Derived from nextDuration property and converted into a readable format.
pickupWindowsPickup WindowsDateTimeValue\[]Indicates all requested completion windows for pickup tasks at the stop.Derived from
firstPickupWindowFirst Pickup WindowDateTimeValueIndicates the scheduled time window for the initial pickup task at the stop.Derived from:
- stop.pickupWindows
- stop.tasks.subTasks
lastPickupWindowLast Pickup WindowDateTimeValueIndicates the scheduled time window for the last pickup at the stop.Derived from:
- stop.pickupWindows
- stop.tasks.subTasks
deliveryWindowsDelivery WindowsDateTimeValue\[]Indicates all requested time windows for delivery tasks at the stop.Derived from:
- stop.tasks.subTasks
uniqueCommoditiesUnique CommoditiesCommodity\[]Indicates the unique commodities for all tasks on the stop.Derived from:
- stop.tasks.commodities

Extra Includes & Nested Objects

locationLocationAddressPhysical address where the stop is located.
tasksTasksTask\[]Stops can have multiple tasks associated with them, and could be used to contain many different types of work to be performed at the stop
documentsDocumentsDocuments\[]A connection to documents for any uploaded files like pod's and pop's.
pickupsPickupsTask\[]List of pickup tasks associated with this stop.Derived from

Write Fields

Object-specific body in POST and PUT requests

descriptionDescriptionStringA brief summary providing additional details about the stop.
specialInstructionsSpecial InstructionsStringInstructions specific to the stop that the driver needs to be aware of.
gateGateStringIdentifies a gate number or name at the stop, if applicable, such as at terminals or borders.
statusStatusEnumStatus of the stop.Default:pending
stopTypeStopTypeEnumCategorizes the stop by its primary activity, such as pickup, delivery, or other specific tasks.MultiSelect

Optional Nested Object (Related Objects)

locationLocationAddressPhysical address where the stop is located.
tasksTasksTask\[]Stops can have multiple tasks associated with them, and could be used to contain many different types of work to be performed at the stop
documentsDocumentsDocuments\[]A connection to documents for any uploaded files like pod's and pop's.