

A commodity is a unit of freight being shipped. Commodities are assigned to tasks and have the ability to impact shipping charges based on weight and size, as well as commodity type.

API configuration

When using the API to make requests, see the pages below for the process. These guides walk through the requirements and setup to access the Rose Rocket API with your application.

Object structure

Use the table below for information about the commodity objects.

id Commodity IDstringUnique identifier of the record.
fullIdAuto-generated Commodity IDstringA human-readable identifier for the commodity
freightClassFreight ClassstringSpecifies the classification of commodities for freight purposes, determined by factors like ease of handling, value, weight, length, height, density, and liability. This field can only accept specific predefined values from the options listed.
Provided options:

- none
- 50
- 55
- 60
- 65
- 70
- 77.5
- 85
- 92.5
- 100
- 110
- 125
- 150
- 175
- 200
- 250
- 300
- 400
- 500
commodityTypeCommodity TypEnumSpecifies the type of commodity being transported.This field allows selection from predefined Enum options representing different types of commodities.

Enum options:

- bundle
- carton
- skid
- package
- container
- crate
- pallet
- other
weightUnitWeight UnitEnumSpecifies the unit of measurement for weight.Select one of the provided Enum options:

- kgs
- lbs
- metric tonnes
- tons
volumeUnit Volume UnitEnumSpecifies the unit of measurement for volume.Select one of the provided Enum options:

- gallons
- liters
- cubic feet
dimensionUnitDimension UnitEnumSpecifies the unit of measurement for dimensions.Select one of the provided Enum options:

- cm
- in
- ft
temperatureUnit Temperature UnitEnumSpecifies the unit of measurement for temperature.Select one of the provided Enum options:

- f
- c
packingGroupNumberPacking Group NumberEnumSpecifies the packing group number of the commodity.Select one of the provided Enum options:

- pgi
- pgii
- pgiii
hazmatClassHazmat ClassEnumSpecifies the hazardous material classification (hazmat) of the commodity.Classifications outlined by the US Department of Transportation. To know about all the classes listed, view list.

Select one of the provided Enum options:

- class1

- class2
- class3
- class4
- class5
- class6
- class7
- class8
- class9
nameNamestringSpecifies the name of a commodity or item being transported.
descriptionDescriptionstringSpecifies the additional description of the commodity being transported.
nmfcNMFC CodestringSpecifies the NMFC(National Motor Freight Classification) code for the commodity.
isStackableStackablebooleanIndicates whether the items can be stacked on top of other items during transportation.
isHazardousHazardousbooleanIndicates whether the commodity is hazardous.
quantity QuantitynumberIndicates the amount of a specific commodity being transported.
piecesPiecesnumberSpecifies the count of individual units or packages of the commodity being transported.
skuSKU NumberstringSpecifies the SKU number of the commodities.
volumeVolumenumberSpecifies the volume of the commodities.
weightUnitWeightnumberIndicates the weight of the commodity being transported.
linearFeetLinear FeetnumberIndicates the length of the commodity in feet when arranged in a linear dimension.
lengthLengthnumberSpecifies the length of the commodity measured in inches or centimeters.
widthWidthnumberSpecifies the width of the commodity being transported.
heightHeightnumberThe height measurement of the commodity being transported.
properShippingNameProper Shipping NamestringSpecifies the standard technical name to define the hazard properties and the composition of dangerous goods.
emergencyContactEmergency ContactstringSpecifies the emergency contact of the commodity being transported.
minTemperatureMinimum TemperaturenumberSpecifies the minimum temperature required for safe transportation of the commodity.
maxTemperatureMaximum TemperaturenumberSpecifies the maximum temperature required for safe transportation of the commodity.
unNumberunNumbernumberSpecifies the UN (United Nations) four-digit number that identifies hazardous materials.
tasks TasksTask connected object array
*See Connected object section
Specifies the tasks that are handling this commodity.Relates to Tasks object.