Application lifecycle management

Learn more about managing your applications in Rose Rocket.


This guide covers the steps to manage your application lifecycle in Rose Rocket. Each section contains details and descriptions for completing that stage of your integration.

The application lifecycle process goes through these basic stages below. Secure and protect your application with the steps from each section in this guide.

Configure -> Authenticate -> Manage -> Production


To manage your application, have the following prerequisites to get started.

  • Rose Rocket account

  • Rose Rocket Developer Portal access

    NOTE: Contact your account representative to help with the necessary credentials or reach out to the Partnership team for access.

  • OAuth application enabled

    NOTE: To get access to the API, contact your account representative to help with the necessary credentials or reach out to the Partnership team for access.

Configure authentication

Navigate to your account’s API settings for your OAuth application information. Follow the steps below to create a new application.

  1. Navigate to Settings for your account.
  2. Select Applications under the API Settings section.
  3. Select Create New Application button in the OAuth Applications section.
  4. The section then loads a new application in the table.

Manage your credentials

Collect your Client ID and Client Secret to make requests to the Rose Rocket API. Use these credentials in your application to authenticate. The OAuth Applications section contains filter functionality to manage all of your applications in Rose Rocket. View the table below for information about the OAuth Application section.

Application NameName of your applicationTest app
Client IDRose Rocket credentialG28gcIrLs3cPKcCILMhdqsHBqjrWj7gE
Client SecretRose Rocket credential4QGcfLWbU9mLvzbD3QBVoRnLx1n-Jwlp1M3oYCtKh_8zDP-vRi377kZEgFD10cOI
Redirect URIsRedirect callback for authentication

Use the Authentication Guide to learn more about the process to initiate the authentication flow and authorization code process. With these credentials in place, your application can begin making API requests to Rose Rocket.

Rotate your credentials

Select the client secret to open the secret management widget for Rotate Secret. Select Rotate to create a new Client Secret to use for your application. The former Client Secret is no longer available and becomes invalid after rotation. Maintain active credential rotation for your production application to protect your organization and API access.


Any former Client Secret will not be available or valid after rotation. Update and save all credentials for your application according to your organization’s security processes.

Delete your OAuth application

Remove your application’s access to the Rose Rocket API in the API settings page for your application. This removes the application’s credentials from your integration and closes out any access. Follow the steps below to complete the OAuth delete process.

  1. Navigate to Settings for your account.
  2. Select Applications under the API Settings section.
  3. In the OAuth Applications section, select your application name’s checkbox. The Delete button appears after selecting an application.
  4. A confirmation pop up appears to confirm. Select Delete to proceed.
  5. After deleting the application, the OAuth Applications section reloads and updates the available applications.


    Deleting an application cannot be undone. Any applications using a deleted Client ID and Client Secret must be updated with valid credentials to continue accessing the API.

Next steps

With your application set up in Rose Rocket, you can make API requests for your workflow. View the suggestions below for next steps.

  • Set up a user interface for your application
  • Update object records programmatically