
Manage all components for cost and revenue estimates.

Quotes are detailed estimates that outline the terms and logistics for transporting goods from one location to another. For customers, this represents revenue, and for partner carriers, it represents the cost. Rose Rocket has the functionality for managing all components of quotes as the first object in the end-to-end quote-to-cash lifecycle.

Depending on your organization, quotes act as revenue or costs. This relationship highlights the organizational role in your Rose Rocket workflow.

  • Customer quotes for shippers, partner, and brokers - Revenue coming in
  • Partner quotes for brokers - Cost of business

API configuration

When using the API to make requests, see the pages below for the process. These guides walk through the requirements and setup to access the Rose Rocket API with your application.

Object structure

Use the table below for information about the quote objects.

idIDstringGlobal unique identifier for record
fullIDFull IDstringUser visible ID record
statusStatusstring, enumeratedQuote status, valid values:new, sent, won, lost
reasonLostReason loststringReason for quote marked as Lost
quoteTypeQuote typestring, enumeratedType of quote, valid values:partner, customer
customerCustomerCustomer connected object
*See Connected object section
Customer for quote
Value can be shippers, receivers, brokers, or other organizations within supply chain
csrsCustomer service representativeUser connected object array
*See Connected object section
Customer Service Representative of company on quote
partnerPartnerPartner connected object
*See Connected object section
Partner assigned to quote
Populated if a single partner is assigned to entire quote, can be null
tagsTagsTag connected object array
*See Connected object section
Tags associated with quote
poNumPurchase order numberstringRecipient provided value for reference
refNumReference numberstringGeneral purpose field to store reference ID values from other systems
loadTenderNumLoad tender numberstringReference number for a load provided by the shipper, carrier referencing for a BOL or order
totalMilesTotal milesstringTotal miles for quote, calculated from stops addresses using API map provider polyline distance calculations
estimatedDurationEstimated durationstringTotal estimated time from origin to destination in seconds
notesNotesstringTotal miles for quote, calculated from the stops addresses using API map provider polyline distance calculation
tasksTasksTask connected object array
*See Connected object section
Work to fulfill contract or win quote to be completed by assignee
NOTE: Tasks group together to form legs and other types of groups to be completed together. Tasks carry financial items for more granular allocation.
quotesQuotesQuote connected object array
*See Connected object section
Models various relationship types between quotes for buy and sell
See Quotes overview section for more
selectedBuyQuoteSelected partner quoteQuote connected object
*See Connected object section
User association between buy quote to be marked as selected for sell quote
parentSellQuoteParent customer quoteQuote connected object
*See Connected object section
Reverse of selectedBuyQuote field, association between sell quote to be marked for buy quote
shipperFirst pickup addressAddress connected object
*See Connected object section
Origin of load as first pickup
consigneeLast delivery addressAddress connected object
*See Connected object section
Destination of load as last delivery, populates last destination stop through ECAs when set
lineItemsFinancial line itemsFinancialLineItem connected object array
*See Connected object section
Quote line items to model various charge types
requestedPickupWindowRequested pickupstringDate range window of customer requests for load pickup
requestedDeliveryWindowRequested deliverystringDate range window of customer request for load delivery
orderOrderOrder connected object
*See Connected object section
Field populated when sell quote is converted to order
orderFromBuyQuotesOrderstringField populated when buy quote is connected to order
documentsDocumentsDocument connected object array
*See Connected object section
Quote associated documents
assetTypeAsset typeAssetType connected object
*See Connected object section
Quote required asset type
serviceTypepartner servicePartnerService connected object
*See Connected object section
Quote required partner type

Quotes object behavior

The quotes object contains many functions of buy and sell relationships. See the list below for more on multiple quotes and their connections.

  • Single sell quote -> multiple buy quotes
    • Broker produces a single sell quote to shipper, then procures multiple buy quotes from carriers
  • Multiple sell quotes -> single buy quote
    • Shipper quotes fulfilled by single carrier
  • Quote selected for order -> Connected to that order