

The Order object represents a revenue-generating agreement and can involve various parties, such as carriers, brokers, and shippers. Orders act as a container for data relating to the work to complete and tracks the work progress.

The object contains the details about the services agreed upon and the parties involved. These are detailed in the tasks object.

API configuration

When using the API to make requests, see the pages below for the process. These guides walk through the requirements and setup to access the Rose Rocket API with your application.

Object structure

Use the table below for information about the order objects.

Object Key Name: order

orderOrderOrder connected object
*See Connected object section
Revenue generating contract between a customer and a broker or carrier, contains contractually agreed upon work to be performed, found in the Tasks connection
NOTE: The shipper and consignee are directly accessible fields on the contract and generate tasks through triggers.
idIDstringGlobally unique identifier for record
fullIdFull IDstringUser identified record ID
statusStatusstring, enumeratedStatus associated with order, valid values: new, booked, in transit, delivered, invoiced, tendered, rejected, archived
NOTE: Defaults to new, cannot be null
partnerPartnerPartner connected object
*See Connected object section
Partner assigned to order, populated when one partner is assigned to entire order
customerCustomerCustomer connected object
*See Connected object section
Order customer, customers can be shippers, receivers, brokers, or other organizations within supply chain
csrsCSRUser connected object array
*See Connected object section
Customer Service Representative of company on order
accountManagersAMUser connected object array
*See Connected object section
Account Manager of company on order
commissioneesOn commissionUser connected object array*See Connected object sectionEmployees on commission for order, can include CSRs, AMs, or others
poNumPO No.stringReceiver-provided information to capture an order, common number for users to search quotes and orders
refNumREF No.stringGeneral purpose field to store reference IDs from other systems, common search term
loadTenderNumLoad tender No.stringReference number for load provided by shipper, carrier use for referencing BOL or order
eTrackingLinkE-Tracking LinkstringSharable link for customers to track order
totalMilesTotal milesintegerTotal miles for quote, calculated from stops addresses using a polyline distance calculation provided by map API provider
estimatedDurationEstimated durationintegerTotal estimated time from origin to destination in seconds
customsBrokerCustoms brokerstringCustoms Broker for order
portOfEntryPort of entrystringLocation that shipment enters country
declaredValueDeclared valueintegerValue of items shipping
currentLocationCurrent locationAddress connected object
*See Connected object section
Address of asset or driver current location
lastSeenTimeLast Known Location TimestampTimestamp indicating last system updated time of order current location
tagsTagsTag connected object array
*See Connected object section
Tags associated with order
specialInstructionsSpecial instructionsstringSpecial instructions for BOL, available for driver after manifest created
tasksTasksTask connected object array
*See Connected object section
Work to be completed by an assignee to fulfill contract or win quote, can be grouped together to form legs, and other types of groups and completed together, can carry financial items for allocation at granular level
sellQuoteCustomer quoteQuote connected object
*See Connected object section
Quote visible to customer, captures revenue potential of order
buyQuotesPartner quotesQuote connected object array
*See Connected object section
Array of buy quotes for multi-partner order, captures cost of order
documentsDocumentsDocument connected object array
*See Connected object section
Documents associated with order
billingPartyBilling partyAddress connected object
*See Connected object section
Party billed for load, can be shipper, consignee, or third party
currencyCurrencyMoneyCurrency for shipment payment.
NOTE: Default options are CAD and USD
lineItemsLine itemsFinancialLineItem connected object array
*See Connected object section
Model various types of charges, such as accessorials, fuel surcharges, etc.
shipperFirst pickupAddress connected object
*See Connected object section
Origin of load
consigneeLast deliveryAddress connected object
*See Connected object section
Destination of load, can populate last destination stop through ECAs
requestedPickupWindowRequested pickupdateDate range customer requests for load to be delivered
actualPickupDateActual Pickup DatedateSpecific date and time for load pick up
actualDeliveryDateActual Delivery DatedateSpecific date and time for load delivery
assetTypeAsset typeAssetType connected object
*See Connected object section
Order-required asset type
serviceTypeService typePartnerService connected object
*See Connected object section
Order-required service type
totalEarningsTotal earningsintegerSum of line items on associated sell quote
totalCostTotal costintegerSum of line items on associated buy quote
marginMarginintegerDifference between total earnings and total cost
multiCurrencyMarginMulti currency marginstringOrder margin in multiple currencies
partnersPartnersPartner connected object array
*See Connected object section
Brokers assign multiple partners to order, for example multiple legs with different partners and each leg has own manifest or ratecon, when this.partner is set, acts as default partner for all tasks on order
NOTE: This field is derived from tasks.subTasks.parentTasks.manifest, tasks.parentTasks.manifest, tasks.subTasks.manifest, tasks.manifest, tasks.subTasks.parentTasks.manifest.partner, tasks.parentTasks.manifest.partner, tasks.subTasks.manifest.partner, tasks.manifest.partner attributes.
assetWithLastKnownLocationAsset with last known locationAssetType connected object
*See Connected object section
Return location for first asset
NOTE: This field is derived from tasks, tasks.assets, tasks.assets.currentLocation attributes.
originsOriginsStop connected object array
*See Connected object section
Returns all stops of type origin connected to order
NOTE: This field is derived from tasks.stops, tasks.subTasks.stops, tasks.subTasks.subTasks attributes.
destinationsDestinationsStop connected object array
*See Connected object section
Returns all stops of type destination connected to order
NOTE: This field is derived from tasks.stops, tasks.subTasks.stops, tasks.subTasks.subTasks, tasks.subTasks.subTasks attributes.
allocatableTasksAllocatable tasksTask connected object array
*See Connected object section
Returns all tasks allocatable for order, for example subtasks within leg tasks
NOTE: This field is derived from tasks.manifest, tasks.subTasks, tasks.subTasks.manifest, tasks.subTasks.subTasks attributes.
firstLegFirst legTask connected object array
*See Connected object section
Returns first leg
NOTE: This field is derived from tasks.stops, tasks.subTasks.stops, tasks.subTasks.subTasks attributes.
pickupsPickupsTask connected object array
*See Connected object section
Returns all tasks of type pickup connected to stops on order

NOTE: This field is derived from tasks.subTasks attribute.
pickedUpAtPicked up atdateReturns time pickup task was completed
NOTE: This field is derived from pickups attribute.
deliveriesDeliveriesTask connected object array
*See Connected object section
Returns all tasks of type delivery connected to stops on order
NOTE: This field is derived from tasks.subTasks attribute.
deliveredAtDelivered atdateReturns time delivery task was completed
NOTE: This field is derived from deliveries attribute.
*See Read-only fields.
pickupWindowsPickup windowsdateReturns all requested completion windows for pickup tasks on order
NOTE: This field is derived from pickups attribute. *See Read-only fields.
deliveryWindowsDelivery windowsdateReturns all requested completion windows for delivery tasks on order
NOTE: This field is derived from deliveries attribute.
*See Read-only fields.
firstOriginStopFirst origin stopStop connected object array
*See Connected object section
Returns first origin stop on order
NOTE: This field is derived from tasks.stops, tasks.subTasks.stops, tasks.subTasks.subTasks attributes.
firstPickupTaskFirst pickup taskTask connected object array
*See Connected object section
Returns first pickup task at first origin stop
NOTE: This field is derived from tasks.stops, tasks.subTasks.stops, tasks.subTasks.subTasks attributes.
firstPickupTaskOriginAddressFirst pickup task origin addressstringReturns origin address of first pickup task at first origin stop
NOTE: This field is derived from tasks.stops, tasks.subTasks.stops, tasks.subTasks.subTasks, tasks.stops.location, firstPickupTask attributes.
*See Read-only fields
firstPickupTaskTimeFirst pickup task timedateReturns requested pickup time of first pickup task at first origin sto
NOTE: This field is derived from firstPickupTask, tasks.subTasks attributes.
*See Read-only fields.
lastDestinationStopLast destination stopStop connected object array
*See Connected objectt section
Returns last stop of type destination on order
NOTE: This field is derived from tasks.stops, tasks.subTasks.stops, tasks.subTasks.subTasks attributes.
lastDeliveryTaskLast delivery taskTask connected object array
*See Connected object section
Returns last delivery task at last destination stop
NOTE: This field is derived from tasks.stops, tasks.subTasks.stops, tasks.subTasks.subTasks attributes.
lastDeliveryTaskDestinationAddressLast delivery task destination addressstringReturns destination address of last delivery task at last destination stop
NOTE: This field is derived from tasks.stops, tasks.subTasks.stops, tasks.subTasks.subTasks, tasks.stops.location, lastDeliveryTask attributes.
*See Read-only fields.
shipperNotesShipper notesstringAggregates all special instructions from pickup tasks on order
NOTE: This field is derived from pickups.specialInstructions attribute.
*See Read-only fields.
consigneeNotesConsignee notesstringAggregates all special instructions from delivery tasks on order
NOTE: This field is derived from deliveries.specialInstructions attribute.
*See Read-only fields.
commoditiesCommoditiesCommodity connected object array
*See Connected object section
Returns all commodities connected to tasks on order

NOTE: This field is derived from tasks.subTasks.commodities, tasks.commodities, tasks.subTasks.subTasks attributes.
totalCommoditiesWeightTotal commodities weightintegerReturns total weight of all commodities on order
NOTE: This field is derived from tasks.subTasks.commodities, tasks.commodities, tasks.subTasks.subTasks attributes.
*See Read-only fields.
totalCommoditiesQuantityTotal commodities quantityintegerReturns total quantity of all commodities on quote as formatted string
NOTE: This field is derived from tasks.subTasks.commodities, tasks.commodities, tasks.subTasks.subTasks attributes.
*See Read-only fields.
totalAmountTotal amountmoneyReturns total of all line items on sell quote
NOTE: This field is derived from earnings, sellQuote, lineItems attributes.
*See Read-only fields.
earningsEarningsmoneyOnly applicable to sell quotes, provides convenience access to actions and widgets
NOTE: This field is derived from sellQuote, sellQuote.lineItems attributes.
*See Read-only fields.
costsCostsFinancialLineItem connected object array
*See Connected object section
Only applicable to sell quotes, provides convenience access to selectedBuyQuote.lineItems for actions and widgets
NOTE: This field is derived from buyQuotes.lineItems.total attribute.
stopsStopsStop connected object array
*See Connected object section
Location where tasks are performed for a contract, either order or manifest
NOTE: This field is derived from tasks.subTasks, tasks.stops, tasks.subTasks.stops, tasks.subTasks.stops.tasks, tasks.subTasks.stops.location, tasks.subTasks.subTasks attributes.
manifestsManifestsManifest connected object array
*See Connected object section
Cost generating contract between broker and carrier, or carrier and either driver or owner operator
NOTE: This field is derived from tasks.subTasks.parentTasks.manifest, tasks.parentTasks.manifest, tasks.subTasks.manifest, tasks.manifest attributes.
driversDriversUser connected object array
*See Connected object section
Returns drivers for manifests related to current order
NOTE: This field is derived from tasks.subTasks.parentTasks.manifest.drivers, tasks.subTasks.manifest.drivers, manifests.drivers, tasks.subTasks.subTasks, tasks.parentTasks.manifest.drivers, tasks.manifest.drivers attributes.
equipmentEquipmentEquipment connected object array
*See Connected object section
Returns equipment for manifests related to current order
NOTE: This field is derived from tasks.subTasks.parentTasks.manifest.equipment, manifests.equipment attributes.
mapMarkersMap markersMapViewMarker connected object array
*See Connected objectt section
Derive mapView approved LKL pins for relevant items on order, such as assets, stops, etc.
NOTE: This field is derived from lastKnownLocation, tasks.assets.currentLocation, tasks.subTasks.assets.currentLocation attributes.