
A Task in Rose Rocket is an essential activity that must be completed as part of fulfilling a contract or securing a new business opportunity. Tasks can be organized into related groups or sequences, which are designed to be completed collectively.

API configuration

When using the API to make requests, see the pages below for the process. These guides walk through the requirements and setup to access the Rose Rocket API with your application.

Object structure

Use the table below for information about the contact objects.

idTask IDstringUnique identifier of the task.
NOTE:System generated
FullIdFull IDstringAn auto-generated identifier for the task record.
statusStatusstring, enumerated Status associated with the task, valid values:new, incomplete, inprogress, assigned, complete, problem, canceled
taskTypeTask Typestring, enumeratedDefines the type of task, determining its purpose and actions, valid value:pickup, delivery, drive, unload, load, leg, group, dropTrailer, hookTrailer, other
descriptionDescriptionstringA brief general description of the task.
specialInstructionsSpecial InstructionsStringProvides Instructions specific to this task that the user needs to be aware of.
requestedCompletionWindowRequested Completion WindowDateTimeValueThe customer’s or requester’s desired time frame for completing the task. For example, pickup task completion time, delivery task completion time.
actualArrivalTimeActual ArrivalDateTimeValueThe actual time the task is initiated or started.
actualCompletionTimeActual Completion TimeDateTimeValueThe exact time the task is successfully finished.
appointmentTimeAppointment TimeDateTimeValueIndicates a specific scheduled appointment time for the task, if applicable.
ordinalOrdinalNumberEnables users to sort tasks in a designated order.
manifestOrdinalManifest OrdinalNumberEnables users to sort tasks in a manifest.
incompleteAtIncomplete AtStringDate and time when the task’s status was changed to incomplete.
inProgressAtIn-Progress AtStringDate and time when the task’s status was changed to in progress.
assignedAtAssigned AtStringDate and time when the task was last assigned to someone.
arrivedAtArrived AtStringDate and time when the driver arrived to perform the task.
completedAtCompleted AtStringDate and time when the task’s status was changed to completed.
problemAtProblem AtStringDate and time when an issue or problem was identified with the task.
cancelledAtCanceled AtStringDate and time when the task was canceled or terminated.
refNumReference NumberStringUnique reference number associated with the task.
taskETAStatusTask ETA StatusEnumStatus reflecting the estimated time of arrival for the task, valid values:enroute, onTime, atRisk, late, early
isETARequestedIs ETA RequestedBooleanIndicates whether an estimated time of arrival (ETA) was requested for this task.
partnerNotesPartner NotesStringNotes field for partners to add additional information about the task.
relatedCustomerRelated CustomerStringIdentifies the customer associated with the order linked to this task.

NOTE:This is a derived field.
*See Read-only fields .
totalEarningsTotal EarningsMoneyProvides the sum of all earnings associated with the task.
*See Read-only fields .
totalCostTotal CostMoneyAggregates the total cost incurred for the task.
*See Read-only fields
totalCommoditiesWeightTotal Commodities WeightNumberCalculates the combined weight of all commodities involved in the task.
*See Read-only fields
totalCommoditiesQuantityTotal Commodities QuantityStringPresents the total count of all commodities for the task, formatted for clarity.
*See Read-only fields
originAddressOrigin AddressStringDisplays the complete address for the task's initial pickup location.
*See Read-only fields
originAddressPostCodeOrigin Address PostCodeStringSpecifies the postal code for the task's starting pickup location.
*See Read-only fields
destinationAddressDestination AddressStringShows the full address for the task's final delivery stop.
*See Read-only fields
legOriginAnd Destination AddressLeg Origin And Destination AddressStringProvides a readable format of the starting and ending locations for a leg task.
*See Read-only fields
destinationAddressPostCodeDestination Address PostCodeStringProvides the postal code for the task's final delivery stop. *See Read-only fields
relatedCommoditiesLabelRelated Commodities LabelStringProvides a formatted list of distinct commodities associated with the subtasks.
*See Read-only fields
relatedShipperRelated ShipperStringProvides the shipper's name and address associated with the first pickup task of the order.
*See Read-only fields
relatedConsigneeRelated ConsigneeStringProvides the consignee name and address for the orders last delivery-like task.
*See Read-only fields
relatedAssigneesRelated AssigneesUser \[]Identifies the users assigned to complete the task. NOTE: Includes assignees from the first pickup task if this is a leg task.
*See Read-only fields
relatedAssetsRelated AssetsAssets \[] Identifies the assets utilized for a task. NOTE: Includes assets from the first pickup task if this is a leg task.
*See Read-only fields
previousLegPrevious LegTask \[] Indicates the preceding leg in a sequence of tasks, if exists.
NOTE: Only present if there is a leg prior to the current one.
*See Read-only fields
previousLegDriversPrevious Leg DriversUser \[]Indicates the drivers associated to the previous leg, if they exist.
NOTE: Only applicable if the previous leg has assigned drivers.
*See Read-only fields