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SSL In Postman trying to access Authorization

Following the API Startup Guide, we are seeing an error in the first steps. When we try to run the authentication for the sandbox we are seeing: We are using: auth.sandbox.roserocket.io - get 405 error auth.network.sandbox.roserocket.io -644 SSL error. (tried this as thats the domain the sandbox is in) our login credentials to network.sandbox.roserocket.io The key as the client ID and the secret This looks like an SSL error at this point. Also, does this authentication need to be done every time? or once we have the token, it will not expire for that single app?

Commodity types missing

The complete list of commodity types is missing from the documentation. ![](https://files.readme.io/e1d4501-image.png) Based on the options that the UI provides this is the list we put together, is this correct? ``` skid other container pallet carton bundle package crate ```

"billable_miles" always returns null

Hello - as per <https://roserocket.readme.io/docs/retrieving-order-mileage> I should be getting the order millage in the "billable_miles" when using <https://roserocket.readme.io/reference/get-order> However, we are always getting "null". eg: orders/1fcc2281-b32a-45f7-9b3a-51227f16315a "multistop_order_full_id": null, "multistop_order_sequence_id": null, "billable_miles": null, Can you help on how can i get that value from API?

"type" value not being included when using "search order" API

Hello there - When using "<https://roserocket.readme.io/reference/find-orders"> we are walways getting the "type" value empty. "type": "", "is_multistop_order": true, "multistop_order_id": null, However, when using <https://roserocket.readme.io/reference/get-order> and calling for an specific order id, the "type" valu is in fact included. Is this a bug? Test order example: e65b0297-7c93-4555-a662-ad60d8c4e2d5

Webhook event types list missing

Where can I find the webhooks event types list?

Postman API Collection

Hi, in the documentation you reference Postman which in the screenshots looks like there is a RR collection we should have access to. We tried to find it, however we assume it is a private collection that we would need an invite to? Is there a Sandbox version of this as well?

Sandbox API URL

We were able to get the sandbox up and running, what is the API URL for it as I do not see a reference to it? We can track the internal API Urls...but having the general URL would be much better.

error code: 5-999, An error has occurred while processing order. Please try again

I am creating orders parallel and second order getting below error: { "error_code": "5-999", "error_message": "An error has occurred while processing order. Please try again" } Please let me know reason behind of this error and also let me know solution.

Weight Calculations on Commodities for New Order

When creating an order with the API, commodities ask for a weight and then multiplies it by the quantity. The dims seem to represent the commodity as a whole and the weight is per quantity. It seems inconsistent. Is there a way we can pass a total weight for a commodity?

Handling 500 Errors from Rose Rocket API

Hi, Occasionally our API calls to Rose Rocket will fail with 500 errors, like the following ``` [ERROR] HTTPError: 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error for url: https://platform.roserocket.com/api/v1/manifests/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Traceback (most recent call last):   File "/var/task/get_data.py", line 164, in webhook_handler     manifest = get_manifest(headers, body['manifest_id'])   File "/var/task/get_data.py", line 350, in get_manifest     res.raise_for_status()   File "/var/runtime/requests/models.py", line 953, in raise_for_status     raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self) ``` What is the proper way to catch and handle these exceptions? Should they be retried? Is there any additional information we can find in the response to help troubleshoot the issue?