Authentication returned "token contains an invalid number of segments"
Hi RoseRocket engineering team,
I am trying to set my Authentication up on v2 and am running into an invalid token error.
**Here is the stack trace:**
ResponseError: {"status":401,"headers":{"content-type":"application/json","retry-after":null},"content":"{\"errors\":[{\"message\":\"token contains an invalid number of segments\"}]}\\n","request":{"url":"<https://network.roserocket.com/api/v1/me?client_id=[client-id-redacted-here]&client_secret=[secret-redacted-here]&token=[token-redacted-here]"}}>
at \_throwForStatus (/var/task/node_modules/zapier-platform-core/src/http-middlewares/after/prepare-response.js:13:11)
at outResp.throwForStatus (/var/task/node_modules/zapier-platform-core/src/http-middlewares/after/prepare-response.js:70:5)
at throwForStatusMiddleware (/var/task/node_modules/zapier-platform-core/src/http-middlewares/after/throw-for-status.js:5:14)
at Object.<anonymous> (/var/task/node_modules/zapier-platform-core/src/middleware.js:80:37)
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I have created an OAuth application, and am passing the client secret + client id values, and I am getting an invalid AccessToken response, so it basically is unable to be decoded. We ran this through jwt.io and the response is that it is not a valid JSON object.
Any advice here?
Posted by Sean Smith about 2 months ago
Authorization and Token process via non-browser implementation
We're attempting to complete the whole authentication and authorization process to obtain the bearer token as described in your documentation (<https://roserocket.readme.io/docs/rose-rocket-api-oauth-20-authentication-guide>)
We noticed that when attempting to obtain the `code` to obtain the bearer token, we are redirected to the `redirect_uri` value that was set. Is this the only way to obtain a bearer token from Rose Rocket or is there another API endpoint that only requires the `client_id` and `client_secret` as parameters?
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Thank you.
Posted by Mukandila Mukandila 4 months ago