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Wrong "pickedup_at" from /orders

Hello - hoping you can assist on this. endpoint: "search all orders" /orders When looking for order id "bce3a395-27a9-4166-9cca-9a042ea258b5" we getnwrong date in the ""pickedup_at": "2024-01-04T12:15:14.1414Z"," which is incorrect due to an user error. q1: Is there any way to edit that value in the UI? so that it reflects the correct "pickedup_at" that is on Jan 02 and not Jan 04. q2: I see that when calling the specific order id "/orders/orderId" for above example there are in fact multiple values for "pickedup_at" when this is a single shipper multi consignee order. Is there any way to get the first "pickedup_at" time stamp instead of the last when calling "search all orders" /orders ?

QBO - RR PAID status update issue

After using the endpoint <https://roserocket.readme.io/reference/update-invoice> to update the invoice to PAID status from QBO to RR via API, the request is successful but the invoice remains unchanged.

Can we get eTracking Link by Order Id?

Hi Support Team, Can you please help to get eTracking Link using Order API or any other API? Basically we have Order Id available and we are looking to get eTracking Link to integrate it with other application. Can you please help with this? Thank you

Create Order Type via API (Single Shipper, Single Consignee, Sequence, Multistop)

I found this previous Q&A <https://roserocket.readme.io/discuss/65241a582c7b0200660c4f81> However, I don't see this "type" here <https://roserocket.readme.io/reference/create-multistop-order> but I did follow the advice "You'll probably find it helpful to build orders of various types by hand and retrieve them using the API, to see the patterns." When I did query an order that had been built "single consignee" in the UI the query returned: ``` "type": "", "is_multistop_order": true, "multistop_order_id": null, "multistop_order_full_id": null, "multistop_order_sequence_id": null, ``` I figured maybe this was buried in the leg data but leg type was : ``` "type": "pickup_delivery", ```

Assigning Manifest to an Order

Hello, while building loads via the API we realized multistop loads don't show AVL leg status like single stops do. it just says multiple/no legs and there is not a filter for that. Our team uses this to figure out which loads need a truck. ![](https://files.readme.io/6bddf61-image.png) RISE-28 built as mutlistop RISE 27 build as single Is there a way to use the API to assign/create a manifest to a multistop order? Thanks!

Manifest last known location not updating after "set location and ETA" changed.

Hello we are tying to update the manifest last known location via the "set location and ETA" and it is not updating. We have tested a few different orders and made sure manifest is "moving". This has worked in the past. please let me know your thoughts or if anything has changed.

I am getting error while update muli stop order

Hello, I am getting following error while updating multistop order: {"error_code":"5-999","error_message":"Invalid dim type"}