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Wrong "pickedup_at" from /orders

Hello - hoping you can assist on this. endpoint: "search all orders" /orders When looking for order id "bce3a395-27a9-4166-9cca-9a042ea258b5" we getnwrong date in the ""pickedup_at": "2024-01-04T12:15:14.1414Z"," which is incorrect due to an user error. q1: Is there any way to edit that value in the UI? so that it reflects the correct "pickedup_at" that is on Jan 02 and not Jan 04. q2: I see that when calling the specific order id "/orders/orderId" for above example there are in fact multiple values for "pickedup_at" when this is a single shipper multi consignee order. Is there any way to get the first "pickedup_at" time stamp instead of the last when calling "search all orders" /orders ?

Rose Rocket MacroPoint Integration

We have the macropoint integration enabled for tracking purposes. Does Rose Rocket pass Event status details such as arrived and departed from location?

Pickup and Delivery Notes

OIn Create Booked order, when we populate these fields, where do they show up in the Web Order Page? thank you

Search Orders - Error Code 5-999

Out of nowhere I started getting this error in the "Search Orders" API (<https://roserocket.readme.io/reference/find-orders>). I normally have it set to po_num, but I've tested a few different querys with the same issue. { "error_code": "5-999", "error_message": "read-only tx: pq: column reference \"id\" is ambiguous" } I haven't changed anything on my end, and connections I have that don't use this API have been working fine.

QBO - RR PAID status update issue

After using the endpoint <https://roserocket.readme.io/reference/update-invoice> to update the invoice to PAID status from QBO to RR via API, the request is successful but the invoice remains unchanged.

Webhook Notifications

For webhook notifications like order.dispatched, if our services doesn't successfully acknowledge the webhook, will the notification retry? If so, how long will RR try to retry the notification for, and how long does RR wait between retries?


How can we find the UUIDs for Customers, Equipment, and Team that are already in the system? Ex. we’ve added a Customer (FedEx) manually via the UI, and we need to call it via its ID through the API.

Manifest Updated Events:

When a manifest (equipment or driver is updated), can Rose Rocket fire a manifest update webhook event? This will allow us to call Rose Rocket as necessary instead of having to poll continuously. Currently, we only receive manifest created (when a manifest is created with a vehicle or driver) or manifest assigned (when a driver is assigned) events.

OAuth 2.0 URL:

For API access, can we use the Client ID and Client Secret to generate an access token? What URL do we use to generate this auth token? As in the documentation, do we need a username and password as well in the request body? If so, can we get a shared account for Aurora Services for API access?

Webhook Security

How do we verify the integrity and authenticity of webhook messages from Rose Rocket? Is there some HMAC code that is injected into the request as a header?