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Using refresh token to refresh existing access token

Hello, How can I use the refresh token returned from an auth request, to refresh the existing auth token before expiry? I recall seeing documentation about this in the previous API docs, but can't seem to find anything here except for docs on the initial auth request. Thanks!

Replacing EDI with API?

Looking into what it would take to replace an EDI connection with APIs. I have a pretty solid understanding of the Rose Rocket API at this point, and from what I tell, our vendor's also look pretty straight forward as well. I'm just not sure what connects the two together. Currently if we want to accept an EDI tender, we hit submit and it sends the correct EDI documents out to our vendors system? How do I trigger that with the API? Webhooks? On the other end of it, how does our vendor's order API trigger new orders to be built like EDI currently does?

Connecting RR Services with a Software

We have the following situation with a customer/client that we are trying to work with. Could you advise if this is something that RR would be able to achieve? Our customer/client is using Cargowise for their inventory/tracking software program. They are requesting that we integrate with their software directly using RR to be able to update their data of the following fields for orders they have: Pickup Date Delivery Date Appointment Date Would this be something could be done, would RR need to discuss this is Cargowise themselves?

Rate confirmation showing $0 in Partner Portal but not in admin console

We are seeing this issue happen for about 20 - 30% of our orders lately where the Rate confirmation (tender offer link) that is sent to the carrier is showing $0 (in partner portal page) even though the rate was put in correctly. If you view the rate confirmation and rate from the order page in the Admin web app it shows correct. I can provide examples upon request

API Calls after webhook don't show up-to-date information

Our team uses Webhooks to identify Order Status changes in the RoseRocket system. When an order is considered "dispatched", we poll information from orders, legs and manifests to know the driver of the order. But when doing so, the manifest associated with that order still has no Driver ID. If we run the same code a few minutes later, the information is correctly shown in the API responses. Is there some processing between the Order status update and the API getting the latest data? What should we do to prevent this happening?

Setting the External ID and URL

We need to be able to set both the ID and URL fields of an Order’s External ID as is done in the UI, via the “Add/Edit” dialog in the “External IDs” section of the Order view. I am able to view any external IDs that are set on the order via the [Get Custom Fields By Order ID](https://roserocket.readme.io/reference/get-custom-fields-by-order-id) endpoint. When I use the \[Get External IDs by Order ID](<https://roserocket.readme.io/reference/get-external-ids-by-order-id>) endpoint (with the same valid order ID) I receive 404. So I assume the Custom Fields API is the one I should be using for this. Is this correct? Next, when I attempt to add an external ID via the custom fields API via the [Upsert custom field values](https://roserocket.readme.io/reference/upsert-custom-field-values-by-order-id) to an order endpoint, I am only able to set the ID Type and ID fields, but not the URL. The \[Upsert external ids to an order](<https://roserocket.readme.io/reference/upsert-external-ids-for-an-order>) endpoint does appear to have a url parameter, but again appears to always result in a 404. Is it possible to set the URL for an Order's External ID?


Is there an OpenAPI spec of the existing API's in the reference guide that we can use to setup an external service in Salesforce?

Upload file in order

Hi, I am using Upload File API - <https://platform.roserocket.com/api/v1/customers/{customerID}/orders/{orderID}/upload_file> this url from http and in Rose Rocket portal file is not getting open, I am uploading Image which is not opening from Rose Rocket any one Know why Thanks In Advance

Upload file for a specified order

Hello, I am using Endpoint URL - (Upload file for a specified order ) Need Request body to upload file in order from HTTP - API

Missing fields from Order Object

Hi, When we export data in reports for the orders we get many fields aswell as can add them dynamically with column names in the UI, however when we try to get order objects with the api we are not sure where to find the following fields: Total Mileage Cost Per Mile Total Revenue Total Cost Total Margin Total Margin % CSR Name Order Commissionees Thanks