How to update a Rose Rocket order while keeping its pickedup_at and delivered_at fields?
2 months ago by null
Hi RR team,
I am using https://roserocket.readme.io/v1.0/reference/edit-order-after-dispatched to edit a rose rocket order.
As I understand, there is no way to PATCH a Rose Rocket order, we can only overwrite the whole order.
So when I am trying to update a field in a RR order, my current flow will be to 1) get the order, 2) change my fields locally, and then 3) call the edit-order-after-dispatched endpoint.
However, there is one issue. Sometimes the order has a pickedup_at or delivered_at field set. But the edit-order-after-dispatched does not have those fields. So how can I edit an order with those fields set, without losing that data?