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updating requestedPickupWindow date/time by json file

Good morning, This question comes from the page: <https://roserocket.readme.io/docs/order> I am looking for clarification on the json field : value pairs to be passed to requestedPickupWindow when the appointment is changed. The guide lists only one field for a date range to be supplied. ``` "Dates" : [ { "DateTimeQualifier" : "53", "Date" : "2024-06-27" } ], ``` This code correctly updates the date however we would like to include the time field as well. Also, is there a second half of the update a field : value pair such as "Time" : "08:00" and how do we supply the end date and time within the json update. Are there additional fields for the end time update and what are those fields called?


I am trying to get set up with a client and they require for us to use e2open EDI and API for updates. Id this possible?

API Integration for Quick Quoting

Hello, I am trying to integrate the RR API with the API of one of our international carriers. We are hoping to allow customers to get a quote from this carrier within Roserocket's customer portal UI, ideally when fetching Quick Quotes at the beginning of an order. Any guidance on how to approach this? Is it possible with the currently available webhooks or is there another approach for implementing this feature? Thank you

Audit logs

Hi, is there anyway to tell when a specific field was updated? We are auditing data and want to know when staff added value to specific fields. thank you

Create new customer's order address_book_external_id and address_book_id

<https://roserocket.readme.io/reference/create-order> "Address book external id. This field value can be null. Leave this field as null if you want to manually specify the address. If you want to populate the address using address_book_external_id, you must leave address_book_id empty." When using field address_book_external_id or address_book_id I still receive field validation errors looking for City, Country and Postal of the Origin, Destination, and Billing. Anyone out there using this successfully?

Webhook for changes to leg delivery window

Hello - I want to run some logic whenever the requested delivery window on a leg changes. Is there a webhook I can use for this, and if not, do you have a recommended workaround? Thanks

I am unable to reset password

Hi Team, I am unable to login to test environment due to login issue. I tried to reset my password but still couldn't login after it is set. Can you help me with this.

Missing Orders using API

We are using "/orders?in_status_ids=delivered,invoice-created,invoice-sent,invoice-paid&offset=0&limit=100&customer_id=887e5a1f-b43e-418c-859c-610030d84490&created_start_at=2024-05-10T20:18:24.7428900Z" We should see 4 orders, but we only see 3. From what we can tell they all fall in the criteria, so not sure why one would not come back on that call. thank you ![](https://files.readme.io/716280a-image.png)

API Push vs Pull

Looking to set up an API connection to send orders from our customers TMS to our TMS, and subsequent status updates from our TMS back to theirs. We have a few questions: 1. Is rose rocket able to push updates, or would our customer need to pull the data from Rose Rocket based on webhooks or event triggers? 2. Is it possible to share the 'customs broker' field. We have a value we would like to put in there.