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Submit Order?

Is there any API connection to submit an order? All EDI orders come through in the "New" status - to accept them you must "Submit Order" but I'm not seeing anything for that. Accept Tender looks like it was designed to be the same thing, however as far as I can tell, it's only for the Partner Portal.

Does the bulk_create endpoint for orders accept Multi-Stop orders or is there another endpoint for entering multistop orders?

I attempted to use the same convention to bulk_create multistop orders but received an error that indicates the operation doesn't exist at the endpoint. My request was targeted at the endpoint "<https://platform.roserocket.com/api/v1/multistop_orders/bulk_create"> because I assumed the convention was to append "bulk_create" to the standard endpoint for multistop_orders. Bulk creating multistop orders are not documented that I could find through a search. Did I miss the place that covers bulk creating those order types?

Does the Rose Rocket system have a mechanism to query the status of a job by job id that was returned for a call to the orders bulk_create endpoint?

My other question wasn't clear, so I am trying a different approach. We have a system that attempts to bulk_create orders in the Rose Rocket system. We do not get immediate confirmation of entry of the orders, instead a message is returned that contains a job-id and a message indicating an email will be sent with a status of the job. After I send my request I get a 200 response with the previously referenced message. I am still awaiting the email to be sent indicating the status of the job. I suspect the entry failed completely, but I don't know what could have gone wrong since I have no way to determine the status of a load entered with the bulk-create endpoint. Does a mechanism exist, or is one planned, to allow for our system to use the api to determine the status of a bulk-create job?

Syncronizing Carrier Payments

Today I’m working on synchronizing our Rose Rocket data with our core systems and noticed there doesn’t seem to be any webhook events being fired for carrier payments. (Accounting -> Payables -> Carriers -> Create Bill (Top Right)). I’ve tried to use the “Manifest Carrier Details Updated”, “Manifest Cost Details Updated”, and “Task Completed” webhook events and none of them have sent out an event to our receiver. Can I get some guidance on which hook I need to use or whether or not one exists at all.

How do you get information about orders that are created with the bulk_create endpoint?

Will I need to just scan the Rose Rocket platform for the external id I have assigned the orders that I submitted or is there a job query I can do to get the Rose Rocket order ids?

Connecting to other TMS systems

How do you connect to a brokers (Coyote) TMS system. From our (Rose Rockets) side, what is the process and how long does it take?

API Call: Get all order files/documents for a given ID of an order

The API reference has a document <https://roserocket.readme.io/reference/get-order-files> for this but it appears to just be a duplicate of leg article with the URL adjusted (the title says leg) <https://platform.roserocket.com/api/v1/customers/{customerID}/orders/{orderID}/files> When I query all I get back is "order_files" instead of a file or array of file URLs. With PoD (<https://roserocket.readme.io/reference/get-order-proof-of-delivery>) and PoP (<https://roserocket.readme.io/reference/get-order-proof-of-pickup>) API call you get one merged PDF file of whatever was uploaded with this metadata which is nice. I seek to retrieve all files upon a webhook "Order Delivered" and upload them to a customer in my iPaaS solution (Make). PoP and PoD were straight forward. If there's something more complex with the data model where I'm going to need to actually do everything on a leg basis as well I would appreciate any information or advice. It'd be really nice to have an API GET that just grabs EVERYTHING file wise from an order in one call instead of having to perform individual API calls.

Carrier Update Inquiry

Hello, Our dev team is running into an Issue where specific "Put" data is not being included in the response. We have not had any issues up to this point. The specific data that wasn't being loaded is the insurance URLs and Service tariff name/service offering. \__"We found that there is issue with RR may be something is changed their side. we tried to do update using postmen and called api for update but its not updating but if we update using the SFL portal then we are able to update it. previously it was working fine as we tested many carriers."_ Attached is the API call which we are using //POST <https://sflsb.roserocket.com/api/v1/services> { "name": "test service", "service_type_display_name": "23", "is_active": true, "is_test_mode": false, "carrier_credential_json": "{}", "default_markup": 0, "min_markup": 0, "max_markup": 0, "connector_id": null, "partner_carrier_id": "c61064f5-7200-4847-b443-bb7b6a24fca1" } //PUT <https://sflsb.roserocket.com/api/v1/partner_carriers/c61064f5-7200-4847-b443-bb7b6a24fca1>

Custom Integrations

Does this provide integration for a 3rd party to be able to create orders, track order pickup and progress? Are the calls in this API limited at the authentication level to only allow a customer access to their own data? Can the 3rd party be restricted to only be able to access specific calls? Is there a process to create custom API methods?

Multi stop orders not returning leg id or address when calling "find orders"

Hello there - Hope you can help on this: When calling "customers/{customerID}/orders/{orderID}" when the order has either multi stop origin or destination. I am getting "current_leg_id": null in the response and also not getting data in origin and destination address. This is a test order: customers/a15ca7d7-ac83-4648-8f0b-c149f3508046/orders/8b6436dc-eedd-4f42-b571-8eae1e54f7c2 Questions: 1- How could i get via API first origin address and last destination address when the order has multiple stops like the one i included as example? 2- How could i get via API either the leg id or manifest id when the order has multiple stops like the one i included as example?