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Create Order Type via API (Single Shipper, Single Consignee, Sequence, Multistop)

I found this previous Q&A https://roserocket.readme.io/discuss/65241a582c7b0200660c4f81

However, I don't see this "type" here https://roserocket.readme.io/reference/create-multistop-order but I did follow the advice "You'll probably find it helpful to build orders of various types by hand and retrieve them using the API, to see the patterns." When I did query an order that had been built "single consignee" in the UI the query returned:

                "type": "",
                "is_multistop_order": true,
                "multistop_order_id": null,
                "multistop_order_full_id": null,
                "multistop_order_sequence_id": null,

I figured maybe this was buried in the leg data but leg type was :

           "type": "pickup_delivery",