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Rate Confirmation email States currency as CAD

All Rose Rocket UI states USD on manifest, rate confirmation, and carrier profile. email sent lists rate as CAD.

Can we get eTracking Link by Order Id?

Hi Support Team, Can you please help to get eTracking Link using Order API or any other API? Basically we have Order Id available and we are looking to get eTracking Link to integrate it with other application. Can you please help with this? Thank you

Create Order Type via API (Single Shipper, Single Consignee, Sequence, Multistop)

I found this previous Q&A <https://roserocket.readme.io/discuss/65241a582c7b0200660c4f81> However, I don't see this "type" here <https://roserocket.readme.io/reference/create-multistop-order> but I did follow the advice "You'll probably find it helpful to build orders of various types by hand and retrieve them using the API, to see the patterns." When I did query an order that had been built "single consignee" in the UI the query returned: ``` "type": "", "is_multistop_order": true, "multistop_order_id": null, "multistop_order_full_id": null, "multistop_order_sequence_id": null, ``` I figured maybe this was buried in the leg data but leg type was : ``` "type": "pickup_delivery", ```

New Service

Hi, Can Someone Please Provide Request Body For - Generate new service. Bcz In Portal there is not available. Thank You

Can you search orders by delivered date?

We are just trying to get a list of orders with a delivered date within a date range.

Related To Create Customer Using HTTP API

I want to set no quote required in Quote Required? Field From HTTP API is it possible. If Possible then let me know

Roserocket API Postman Collection

Could you please share Postman Collection for Roserocket API?

Create Bill

Hello - is it possible to create a bill for a manifest through the API?

Assigning Manifest to an Order

Hello, while building loads via the API we realized multistop loads don't show AVL leg status like single stops do. it just says multiple/no legs and there is not a filter for that. Our team uses this to figure out which loads need a truck. ![](https://files.readme.io/6bddf61-image.png) RISE-28 built as mutlistop RISE 27 build as single Is there a way to use the API to assign/create a manifest to a multistop order? Thanks!

Commodity Type

Hi, we are trying to use the "CreatBookedOrder" api call, is there anyway to get a list of the Commodity types so we have a definitive list of commodity types to use? thank you