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Missing fields from Order Object

Hi, When we export data in reports for the orders we get many fields aswell as can add them dynamically with column names in the UI, however when we try to get order objects with the api we are not sure where to find the following fields: Total Mileage Cost Per Mile Total Revenue Total Cost Total Margin Total Margin % CSR Name Order Commissionees Thanks

What is the key relationship between an order and a emanifest?

What is the key relationship between an order and a emanifest?

Add and Analysis the status in EDI 214 from The Home Depot to Bowden Transport to up new Appointment notification

There are 2 questions I want to clarify on this issue: 1st question: May you help me analysis the "status": "delivered" and "status": "in-transit"? 2nd question: Do we have any way to create a new status for Delivery Appointment notification and Pickup Appointment notification with the line data for EDI 214 from Bowden to The Home Depot Logistics? Header "status": "in-transit" "status": "delivered" Details: "pickup_appt_start_at": null, "pickup_appt_start_at_local": null, "pickup_appt_end_at": null, "pickup_appt_end_at_local": null, "delivery_appt_start_at": "2024-01-11T12:00:00Z", "delivery_appt_start_at_local": "2024-01-11T07:00:00", "delivery_appt_end_at": "2024-01-11T12:00:00Z", "delivery_appt_end_at_local": "2024-01-11T07:00:00",

how to get container and other details of an order

Hi team we are trying to receive order information through API where we are expecting below details to be identified from get OrderDetails API . Kindly assist on which response tags we can find these values if they were captured while order creation. Trailer/Container Number Seal Number 1 Pro Number Total Number of WMS Shipments in the Truck(For CCI) Post delivery goods issue (inbound) Forwarding agent (Partner no.) Label Type Pallet Number Pallet Label Id Carton Label Id Actual quantity delivered in stockkeeping units Base Unit of Measure

Clarify the status in EDI 214 from The Home Depot to Bowden Transport to up new Appointment notification

Hi Rose Rocket team, 1st Description The Home Depot requires EDI 214 from Bowden Transport is to receive the 4 status messages that Maureen identified (pickup appointment, delivery appointment, picked up, delivered). In the 214 messages, the AT7 segment of the messages should be: • For an Actual Pickup notification (this currently works): AT7_CP_NS_\*\*20231215_1056 The example above identifies that the pickup (CP) was completed on Dec 15 (20231215) at 10:56am (1056) • For an Actual Delivery notification (this currently works): AT7_D1_NS_\*\*20231214_1128 The example above identifies that the delivery (D1) was completed on Dec 14 (20231214) at 11:28am (1128) • For an Delivery Appointment notification (this needs to be implemented): AT7_AB_NS_\*\*20231214_1028 The example above identifies that a delivery appointment (AB) has been confirmed for Dec 14 (20231214) at 10:28am (1028) • For a Pickup Appointment notification (this should be implemented if possible): AT7_AA_NS_\*\*20231214_1028 The example above identifies that a pickup appointment (AA) has been confirmed for Dec 14 (20231214) at 10:28am (1028) 2nd Description All other segments of the 214 message should continue to be populated using current logic/mapping At the moment Di central don’t have AA and AB, the thing I want to clarify is what status or value in JSOL file that should be AA and AB in EDI 214 transaction for The Home Depot Logistics. Please highlight json file if possible that will help me a lot. At the moment, here is True Commerce Di Central logic for releasing CP and D1 For The Home Depot Logistics: - Hardcode "CP" if "status" is "in-transit". - Hardcode "D1" if "status" is "delivered" If possible please email me on case#16172836 in Outlook or my email on the down below!

Customer Information pulling into order when building Create Multistop API

Hello, we have noticed when building and order using the create order API and pushing in a customer ID some of the details configured in the customer don't auto load like they do when we build them manually. Specifically we are having an issue with Accessorial. is there a way to have these come over automatically using the create multistop order? such as an "assign accessorial True" or something in the query? let me know your thoughts! Thanks for all the help and support!

Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND {{authurl}}

Hi, When trying to test the connection in Postman using the given API, I get the following error: Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND {{authurl}} I have populated the following: { "grant_type": "password", "username": "", "password": "", "client_id": "", "client_secret": "" } Once I hit send i get the Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND {{authurl}} Do I need to replace the the Post URL ({{authUrl}}/oauth2/token) with something else? Thanks

How to get the delivery date and time?

Seems this is missing from the order details and if we use POD then is the date there the delivered date? or the upload for POD? Also the API Says it is Date and time and it is only returning Date. thank you

GetManifestID (BASEURL/manifests/MANIFESTID/legs)

We're working with Noorin and she recommended posting here; she can share our direct account details with you if needed. For the API response we are getting 404 in production but in the test environment we can see the response.

BASEURL/api/v1/orders/ API response doesn't include origin and destination address in production environment

We're working with Noorin and she recommended posting here; she can share our direct account details with you if needed. The API response is not populating the origin and destination addresses in a production environment.we can get the desired in a test environment.