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Not receiving webhooks

Hello, depsite having registered some webhooks, we're not receiving any calls. Could you please help?

Tender Rejection Event

Is there a way to track if a tender has been rejected by a carrier via webhook? What event do I have to use in order to cancel the order if a tender is rejected?

Using Zapier to Pull Data

Spinify is looking to connect to Rose Rocket through Zapier to pull information for the following objects: BILL ORDER QUOTE INVOICE We've consulted <https://roserocket.readme.io/reference> and see that instructions have been provided to set up authenticated access through Postman. Does Rose Rocket support external webhooks for these objects?

Billing Contact Number Deprecation

Hello Rose Rocket Team, I was looking at your documentation to figure out why our partner carriers are missing billing contact numbers and see that there isn't an attribute for this anymore? We're sending the POST request with billing_contact_number present and phone present on the partner carrier object but no luck. Can you please look into this?

Trigger webhook for "invoice created" event

Hi, Is there any way to trigger an external webhook to detect the creation of an invoice for an order? I understand I can trigger a webhook when an order is updated, but then I have no historical knowledge to inform me _how_ it was updated - all I can do is check the current status, not the previous status. Is there any way to be informed of this specific event? In general, I would really appreciate finer granularity in the webhook triggers. Having more control enable me to add features to my integration much more quickly. Thanks!

Sandbox API Error - GET ETA and Location

Hello, I'm working with a web developer who was contracted by one of our customers to build a tracking portal. The data will be fed using Rose Rocket APIs, but when I was testing the endpoints in our sandbox.com environment (<https://sandbogulfrelayms.roserocket.com/>) I got the error message below (see screenshot). We will need to be able to test the two endpoints below in the sandbox environment I mentioned. <https://roserocket.readme.io/reference/get-order-eta> <https://roserocket.readme.io/reference/get-order-location> Error - not Implemented ![](https://files.readme.io/538b872-image.png) Thank you, Kurt Emling Mariner Logistics, LLC

Node/Typescript API Client

Hi, The API spec you have available on this website is very thorough and impressive. Would there happen to be an associated generated client or at least typescript typings developers could use? Currently, I'm having to write my own library which basically wraps some http calls to your API into a class with some easily testable and callable methods. A node package would save me a lot of time and headache, if it were made available publicly. Thanks.

ELD Tracking integrations with carrier partners

Hello Team, Question regarding tracking integrations with carriers through Rose Rocket utilizing keep truckin(Motiv)/Samsara/Geo tab/etc. Are we able to connect different carriers equipment on our orders utilizing the above mentioned ELD integration partners? I see that only one API key is available per ELD vendor so wanted to double check that it’s possible to add multiple carrier partners to link specific equipment

Manifest last known location not updating after "set location and ETA" changed.

Hello we are tying to update the manifest last known location via the "set location and ETA" and it is not updating. We have tested a few different orders and made sure manifest is "moving". This has worked in the past. please let me know your thoughts or if anything has changed.

Using authentication token in distributed environment

Hi, I have followed the instructions at <https://roserocket.readme.io/docs/getting-started> and I am able to successfully query the API. However, I am finding that as I introduce this token to a distributed environment, I do not understand how it should be managed. In my initial implementation, I had every instance that needed access to the token retrieve it independently from the authentication endpoint, passing in the pre-configured credentials. As I scaled my architecture and began testing, I had several Lambdas querying Rose Rocket simultaneously. In order to do that, each one retrieved the credentials from a vault and queried the token endpoint to generate a new token. Unfortunately, I began seeing errors like `token has been invalidated or is invalid`. Does refreshing the access token invalidate the previous ones? How can I manage this token in an asynchronous architecture where distributed environments all need access to the Rose Rocket API? I can't even manage the token centrally and rotate it safely because this action will cause some environments to break in the middle of their execution. I would greatly appreciate your insight into this problem. Thanks, Max