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Invalid grant type when calling api to get bearer token

Hi, I am using the oauth2 endpoint <https://auth.roserocket.com/oauth2/token> to get a bearer token. Per comments on this board my post request has the following body <br /> { "grant_type": "password", "username": "[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])", "password": "<pwd>", "client_id": "<client-id>", "client_secret": "<client-secret>" } <br /> This is the message I get <br /> { "errors": [ { "message": "Invalid grant type" } ] }

Webhooks not working

Hi! Since yesterday, webhooks (event orders) have stopped working, either messages arrive with a very long delay, or they don’t arrive at all.

Search Manifest

According to the API documentation (<https://roserocket.readme.io/v1.0/reference/find-manifests>), when I search for manifests using one of the support parameters (<https://platform.roserocket.com/api/v1/manifests>), I should receive an orders array. However, all I get is manifest details.

manifests or master_trips?

Hi, I'm seeing some inconsistent behavior with the v1.0 API. The documentation indicates this call to get a manifest: <https://platform.roserocket.com/api/v1/manifests/{manifestID}> This returns a 404 However this returns data: <https://platform.roserocket.com/api/v1/manifests/{manifestID}/followers> so the api here looks partially implemented Looking at the calls the GUI is making, I see a number of api calls to: <https://platform.roserocket.com/api/v1/master_trips/{manifestID}/>\* for the same manifest id <https://platform.roserocket.com/api/v1/master_trips/{manifestID}> returns manifest data but I can't find any reference to master_trips in the API documentation. Is <https://platform.roserocket.com/api/v1/master_trips/>\* a supported call? I should also note, we aren't using platform.roserocket.com but rather <testingsubdomain>.roserocket.com I appreciate the help.

Error when attempting to exchange authorization code for token

My authorization request returns this response: Found. Redirecting to /u/login?state=hKFo2SBqWFB3ZDYyRVZHN0dadnNpZNkgMDd2dktvRWlqWEFUVmFDRXNZczZpZEJmQjFZc28zY1I (I shortened the string above for brevity and security.) Is the long string following "state=" in that response my "authorization code"? If so, why is it preceded by "state="? Either way, is that the "code=" value I should put in the cURL I subsequently send to <https://a.roserocket.com/oauth/token> to obtain a token? I tried that, but I then get this error response: {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Invalid authorization code”} I'm generally confused about "state" vs "code" and what those values should be and how they relate to each other. Can someone help me figure out what I'm doing wrong?