Using refresh token to refresh existing access token
Replacing EDI with API?
Looking into what it would take to replace an EDI connection with APIs. I have a pretty solid understanding of the Rose Rocket API at this point, and from what I tell, our vendor's also look pretty straight forward as well. I'm just not sure what connects the two together.
Connecting RR Services with a Software
We have the following situation with a customer/client that we are trying to work with. Could you advise if this is something that RR would be able to achieve?
Rate confirmation showing $0 in Partner Portal but not in admin console
We are seeing this issue happen for about 20 - 30% of our orders lately where the Rate confirmation (tender offer link) that is sent to the carrier is showing $0 (in partner portal page) even though the rate was put in correctly. If you view the rate confirmation and rate from the order page in the Admin web app it shows correct. I can provide examples upon request
API Calls after webhook don't show up-to-date information
Our team uses Webhooks to identify Order Status changes in the RoseRocket system.
Setting the External ID and URL
We need to be able to set both the ID and URL fields of an Order’s External ID as is done in the UI, via the “Add/Edit” dialog in the “External IDs” section of the Order view.
Is there an OpenAPI spec of the existing API's in the reference guide that we can use to setup an external service in Salesforce?
Upload file in order
Upload file for a specified order
Missing fields from Order Object