POST Load/unload leg by ID
I also see I can update statuses on the leg level by using "Load Leg by ID" as well as "Unload Leg By ID":
Webhook Event Specific data Json
Hi, is there any documentation on the event types for webhooks other than the dropdown in settings? We are looking for the json data for specific events to determine the best options for us. Thank you
Difference between two edit order API endpoints
Hi RR support, I notice there are two different API endpoints for editting an order:
Difference between pickup_start_at vs pickup_appt_start_at
Hi RR team, in the Create Booked Order endpoint (https://roserocket.readme.io/v1.0/reference/create-booked-order), what's the difference between the pickup_start_at and pickup_appt_start_at fields?
Create Booked Order endpoint lists billing as required but wasn't actually required
Hi RR support,
Set ETA doesn't change order modified date
We're working on an integration to feed order updates to an external system. We went down the path of implementing webhooks (v1.0 API) and quickly found that there were limitations to the events supported (e.g. change in ETA and change in leg delivery window weren't covered by webhooks).
"Orders for this org/customer must be quoted before dispatch" error when calling CreateBookedOrder
Hi Roserocket support,
Is it possible to get order documents via API?
Hi Roserocket support,