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Booked order pricing

We are looking to allow a customer to send a order to be booked, I do not see any rates coming back for the booked order. What would be the process to retrieve these? thank you


Search order by public ID

Hi, I have a usecase where I am trying to look up details about an order given only the public ID of that order. I have been exploring the FindOrders API (https://roserocket.readme.io/reference/find-orders), passing in the public ID as the "search term" argument, but it seems like it doesn't work for some orders. Could you share insights into how the API is searching across orders and what massaging I have to do so that my Order is searchable in this way?


Is there a way to get the stops for an order by order id?

I see in the docs that I can get the stops by using the manifest id but I would like to get the stops for an order before the manifest is created. Is this Possible?


Assign Manifests/Bills an external_id

Currently We're using the "/api/v1/master_trips" POST call in order to create our trip and build the manifest. How can I call this in a way that sets the external_id of the manifest or is there another avenue I can use in order to link the manifest with our order via an extId we generate?


Does an order upsert, clobber the old order or does the Rose Rocket system preserve user input?

For example if the user updates the notes on a leg and our upsert doesn't change anything about the leg or only changes commodities are the user's updates preserved?


Does an API call currently exist or will there be a call added at some point that allows us to add a custom task that we have created onto a leg of an order (either single or multistop)?

It would be helpful to be able to add a custom task entry to the leg directly through the API


Does an API call currently exist or will there be a call added at some point (hopefully soon) that allows us to add a custom task that we have created onto a multistop order at the load level?

It would be helpful if we could add a custom task that we have created to a stop/leg of the load or an origin / destination entry of the leg. For things such as starting tracking enroute, making notifications to the customer that an enroute vehicle may be delayed, etc..


Is there a way to determine the task id of a custom task that was created in Rose Rocket system programmatically? Such as by task name?

We have a need to filter out tasks we do not intend to process, such as those created by another provider or user without a manual step. So far the only way we have been able to find this task id is by creating a dummy order manually, adding the custom task and then completing the custom task while running in the development environment.


Sandbox testing

Is there anyway to set up sandbox test environment for testing API integrations?


Submit Order?

Is there any API connection to submit an order? All EDI orders come through in the "New" status - to accept them you must "Submit Order" but I'm not seeing anything for that.