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Commodity types missing

The complete list of commodity types is missing from the documentation.


"type" value not being included when using "search order" API

Hello there -


Webhook event types list missing

Where can I find the webhooks event types list?


Postman API Collection

Hi, in the documentation you reference Postman which in the screenshots looks like there is a RR collection we should have access to. We tried to find it, however we assume it is a private collection that we would need an invite to? Is there a Sandbox version of this as well?


Sandbox API URL

We were able to get the sandbox up and running, what is the API URL for it as I do not see a reference to it? We can track the internal API Urls...but having the general URL would be much better.


error code: 5-999, An error has occurred while processing order. Please try again

I am creating orders parallel and second order getting below error:


Weight Calculations on Commodities for New Order

When creating an order with the API, commodities ask for a weight and then multiplies it by the quantity. The dims seem to represent the commodity as a whole and the weight is per quantity. It seems inconsistent. Is there a way we can pass a total weight for a commodity?


Handling 500 Errors from Rose Rocket API



Is it possible to create a Single Shipper order using the API?

While we were building a solution for our customer we designed it to create orders using the SingleStop and MutliStop order types, however our customer has asked if it is possible to create other order types using the API. Looking at the UI there are Point-To-Point orders, which we believe are single-stop orders, and Multi-Stop orders. However there are also Single Shipper, Single Consignee and Sequence orders. Are those other order types just configurations of Single Stop and Multistop orders or are they different order types with different features. Are we able to create these types of orders using the API?