Manifest Updated Events:
When a manifest (equipment or driver is updated), can Rose Rocket fire a manifest update webhook event? This will allow us to call Rose Rocket as necessary instead of having to poll continuously. Currently, we only receive manifest created (when a manifest is created with a vehicle or driver) or manifest assigned (when a driver is assigned) events.
OAuth 2.0 URL:
For API access, can we use the Client ID and Client Secret to generate an access token? What URL do we use to generate this auth token? As in the documentation, do we need a username and password as well in the request body? If so, can we get a shared account for Aurora Services for API access?
Webhook Security
How do we verify the integrity and authenticity of webhook messages from Rose Rocket? Is there some HMAC code that is injected into the request as a header?
Rate Confirmation email States currency as CAD
All Rose Rocket UI states USD on manifest, rate confirmation, and carrier profile. email sent lists rate as CAD.
Can we get eTracking Link by Order Id?
Hi Support Team,
Create Order Type via API (Single Shipper, Single Consignee, Sequence, Multistop)
I found this previous Q&A https://roserocket.readme.io/discuss/65241a582c7b0200660c4f81
New Service
Can you search orders by delivered date?
We are just trying to get a list of orders with a delivered date within a date range.
Related To Create Customer Using HTTP API
I want to set no quote required in Quote Required? Field From HTTP API is it possible.
Roserocket API Postman Collection
Could you please share Postman Collection for Roserocket API?