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Edit an order after it has been dispatched - Error 5-999

No matter what I do with "Edit an order after it has been dispatched", it's giving me this error:

"error_code": "5-999",
"error_message": "Field Validation Errors: \n1. Field <request_validator.orders_edit_after_dispatched_request.order.dim_type> (Type: string) must be a valid dim type: [ltl, ftl, cube]. \n2. Field <request_validator.orders_edit_after_dispatched_request.order.default_measurement_unit_id> (Type: string) must be a valid measurement unit: [inch, cm, km, mi]. \n3. Field <request_validator.orders_edit_after_dispatched_request.order.default_weight_unit_id> (Type: string) must be a valid weight unit: [kg, lb, t, mt]. \n4. Field <request_validator.orders_edit_after_dispatched_request.order.billing_option> (Type: string) must be a valid billing option: [prepaid, collect, thirdparty]. \n"

After playing around with network data, I'm starting to think it's a documentation problem. "billing_option" is "billing_option_id", "dim_type" is "dim_type_id", etc. I've changed what I've noticed with no luck. Any ideas?