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Carrier Update Inquiry


Our dev team is running into an Issue where specific "Put" data is not being included in the response. We have not had any issues up to this point. The specific data that wasn't being loaded is the insurance URLs and Service tariff name/service offering.

_"We found that there is issue with RR may be something is changed their side. we tried to do update using postmen and called api for update but its not updating but if we update using the SFL portal then we are able to update it. previously it was working fine as we tested many carriers."

Attached is the API call which we are using

//POST https://sflsb.roserocket.com/api/v1/services

"name": "test service",
"service_type_display_name": "23",
"is_active": true,
"is_test_mode": false,
"carrier_credential_json": "{}",
"default_markup": 0,
"min_markup": 0,
"max_markup": 0,
"connector_id": null,
"partner_carrier_id": "c61064f5-7200-4847-b443-bb7b6a24fca1"

//PUT https://sflsb.roserocket.com/api/v1/partner_carriers/c61064f5-7200-4847-b443-bb7b6a24fca1